“Oh! Muffins will really have a playmate!” I squeal. “Shelter?”
“Yes. Guess one of the shelter cats had babies, but he’s the only one that survived. I didn’t want his early days to be spent in a shelter. Figure we could take care of it… though I didn’t finalize the request yet.”
“Why didn’t you finalize it?” I’m jumping up and down in impatience. “Call them! Tell them we want Snowy!”
“Snowy?” Now he’s smiling fully. “I was thinking Avalanche.”
“WHO calls their kitten AVALANCHE?” I groan. “Muffin and Snowy sounds perfect.”
“Or Mittens and Avalanche,” he suggests, looking as amused as ever.
“UGH! Just call!”
“You’re fine with it?”
“Why wouldn’t I be, Armani?” I question. “Wait. Were you waiting for my approval?”
“Yes.” He nods his head for added measure. “I can’t make such a decision without you.”
“What?” I’m speechless. “Wh-Why?”
“We’d be raising him together with Mittens. Why would I just foster a cat and not have you involved? Your opinion and comfort matters to me,” he reveals. “Wyatt said he’s down for whatever.”
“The more cats, the higher the chance of never seeing Winchester,” I declare like it’s some sort of diabolical plan. “Excellent.”
Armani shakes his head.
“Why did Wyatt say the same thing?” He groans but is on the phone a few seconds later, finalizing the intention of keeping Snowy. “Okay. He’ll be ready in a few days.”
“YES!” I cheer with my arms up. “AH! A second kitten! We should make a mini army of them! We wouldn’t have space, though…,but maybe in a few years!”
“We’d have space,” he mutters.
“No. We’re only allowed one pet per apartment here, so Muffins can stay with me ‘cause she won’t completely destroy my plant collection, and Snowy with you. If we got a third one, we could get Wyatt to take him or her in, but I don’t know how big his place is, actually.”
“He sold his place.”
“Huh?” Now that’s a surprise. “What you mean he sold his place?”
“Why do you think he’s been staying with us since the first game?”
“Because we’re… well… dating?” I state. “Why would he sell his place?”
“He said it was empty, anyway. He got it when he arrived back in Strattonville but barely slept there. Said it was lonely as fuck, and he’d rather sleep in the hockey residence building at Strattonville so he wouldn’t need to deal with long commutes.”
“That’s also ‘cause of the dizzy spells right?” I can’t help but frown at the reminder. “I’ve been researching medication and such that could treat it. There’s only one drug on the market and it’s produced in Moscow. It’s also five figures per packet. It says the treatment is short, but I’m not sure I have enough savings to get it for him.”
He stares at me for a long moment before he reaches out to me.
“Come here.”
I’m curious what he wants to say, which is why I take the few steps that land me in front of him.
Sitting forward, he wraps his arms around my legs, pulling me forward so I have no choice but to move until I’m sitting on his lap, my front side facing his.
“What?” I whisper, as if anyone could actually hear us.