Page 255 of Wrong Pucking Player

“Nah,” I assure him. “Just wait at the stairs. I’ll only be a minute to pay the bill.”

“Cool,” Wyatt replies and looks at Winchester and Fernandez. “Have an eventful night, you two.” The way he says it proves he’s not talking about enjoying the club.

He’s insinuating he knows what they are… as a couple.

“Bye-bye, boys,” Kenzie sweetly states with a wave. She’s clearly happy with the princess treatment.

“You can charge my card on file,” I announce to the server. “Whatever the bill is, match it for the tip.”

“Thank you, Sir. I’ll get that done right away.”

He bows and leaves us, just as I stand and slide out of the booth.

Fernandez takes the liberty of taking that single step to face me, and now we stare at one another like two players on the ice, ready to destroy the other in what we know best.

Only this isn’t hockey.

This is the territory that spills nothing but blood.

“Salvatore, huh?” He smirks. “Didn’t know they took in wasteful orphans.”

“A shame, right?” I reply. “If they weren’t so kind-hearted, maybe they wouldn’t keep rejecting weak mental cases who can’t take no for an answer.”

His smirk is gone now, and I see how that comment grinds his gears.

I take a step, so we’re side by side, shoulder to shoulder. Then I inhale deeply.

“Touch what’s mine, and you won’t be happy with what the Salvatores bring to the gambling table.” I side-glance his way, seeing how he grits his teeth. “You know what it’s like to gain all that fortune. Don’t let your jealousy make you lose it all with the snap of my fingers.”

My fingers. Not his or anyone who thinks they can be more powerful than the Salvatores.

“At least, what’s left of it.”

I had to add it with Kenzie in mind.

My back-handed comment queen.

“Your bill, Sir.” The server is back with the bill and three mint candies.

I have to chuckle.

“Thanks. Especially for the mints,” I declare and can’t help but peer over to see Winchester’s fuming face.

I love seeing him jealous.

“The taste of minty pussy is always the perfect dessert.”

With those very words, I walk toward the stairs, where my girl and man are waiting for me.



“This internship is going to be the death of me,” I groan as I put my hands on my hips and stare and the island that has an array of all my notes, papers, and iPads on display. Even my phone has joined this movement of how to aid Pincers in winning the semi-finals.

With the fundraiser ball being tomorrow, we got today off, which was why I was at Oscar’s place, studying video after video of hockey gameplay from the teams.

Vipers was the team I spent the longest on, and I had to admit, they had a very strong team dynamic. With O’Riley’s consistent swiftness, matched with Damien’s solid defense, and Ace Harvey being the underdog of speed and defense, they would give our team a run for their money. Wolfgang was also pretty good at goalie-keeping.