Page 181 of Wrong Pucking Player

Pressing my hands to Mikayla’s lips, I hope the team didn’t hear our squealing madness.

“BITCH! You want the whole universe to know my shit?”

“What do you mean you’re living together?” she hisses back. “Bitch, it’s almost a month, and my ass is only finding out you’re living with your ex, who you haven’t gotten over.”

God. It’s been a month? Has time gone by that fucking fast? Why does it feel like we’re still in the first week of this internship?

“SHHH!” I hush her. “W-We’re just cohabiting because my dorm is possessed by the devil.”

God, I hate lying, but fuck. Got to keep with the narrative.

“Possessed by the devil?” She asks for clarification.

“Since I moved in there, it’s been nothing but problems. I didn’t luck out to get a suite like you and Dimitri because Caren with a C was losing her fucking mind because she lost the suite to Dimitri. Tried to say it was biased to have a guy have a suite and not a girl. I volunteered to give mine up, so I’d survive this internship without her bringing it up every shift, but it’s just filled with bad luck. The last straw was me almost falling out the window. So, Wyatt said I could stay at his place until they can figure out what’s going on.”

I’m gonna have to apologize to Katherine for making her look bad.

I know it’s her duty and all, but hearing her speak with Dakota makes me realize how lonely her position is. All for the sake of blending in and taking down criminals who blend so perfectly with the rest of the world.

“So, you’re not in our building but the one where the players are currently staying,” she confirms.

That’s a good narrative to go with.

“Yup. It’s not very luxurious or anything, but it’ll do. I overheard a lot of the team members want to purchase up north and in the east, near the outskirts. That means driving down, but a lot of the guys have trucks and jeeps, and they can always carpool. Most of the remaining team members are finalizing their contracts.”

“They didn’t do that earlier?”

“I think the Pincers did,” I begin and try not to share my actual disappointment with that whole fiasco. I may not be on the team, but the end result of the finalized contracts left me feeling utterly defeated for the Pincers.

All because of one selfish prick.

“They were bragging about it earlier. Think theirs finalized today, which is why they’re in such a ‘good mood’ to let you guys come to share the gym in prep for your game,” I reveal. “Jayce got the highest deal among his team. I guess since he’s the captain and a Winchester.”

Because he pulled whatever strings to manage such a high payout. Such bullshit.

“What’s the average the team got versus him?” Mikayla asks out of curiosity.

“I think most of the team’s deals ranged from 100k to 300k. Apparently, the initial contracts that were signed had those numbers, but a few of the guys negotiated for higher and got between 300 to 500k,” I reveal. Oscar gave me a brief summary, so we’d be on the same page, but I kind of wish I didn’t know. “Jayce purposely waited last and requested 750k with a three-year guaranteed renewal.”

“No way,” Mikayla gasps. “750? Literally, $750,000? And three years? That means no matter what happens, he’ll remain captain? That doesn’t make sense.”

“Basically, he talked to the higher-ups, people above Mr. Champion. I heard the CEO was a part of the phone call with some masked voice, so they can’t use it against him later on, but basically, they approved his deal with a twenty-five percent advance since it’s a new team and if it doesn’t work out, they’ll put Winchester on one of the teams, like Toronto Maple Leafs.”

“So, his career is set,” she concludes and doesn’t look pleased at all. We’re on the same page. “Smart as fuck.”

“That’s why he’s in such a good mood and encouraged Vipers to work out this morning,” I state with an eye roll.

“To brag about it throughout their entire workout session,” she groans.“Why am I not surprised?”

“You dated him for what? Two years. Of course, you’re not surprised,” she acknowledges and pats my shoulders. “What’s your workout for today?”

“I think I’m gonna do some weights, but I haven’t run for a hot minute.”

“Let’s do sprints!” I encourage. I’m personally glad to change the subject. “I think I saw Dimitri on the treadmill before you arrived.”

I’m not close to Dimitri like Mikayla has become with Champion’s son, but I feel as though he’s the type of person that once you know him, he can get along with anyone.

“Dimitri?” she questioned. “Dimitri hates running.”