Then there are approaching footsteps.
I don’t have time to detach myself from Armani before the curtain of our shower glides open to reveal us.
Katherine looks up and smirks.
“You owe me ten shots, Andrews,” she declares and shifts her gaze to Armani. “And you’re paying for them, Armani.”
I can’t even imagine what his expression is, but all he does is slowly nod.
“Well, I’m not going to bother looking down. Don’t need to see a shiny lightsaber so early in the morning. Need a Venti Vanilla Oat Espresso with an extra shot and sugar cane to deal with that,” she reveals and looks back at me. “Johnson is actually here, so best you find her after you situate yourself.” She gives me a wink. “Text me. I don’t have your new number.” She looks between us. “Meaning both of you.”
“How do you know we got new phones,” Armani grumbles.
“Leo told me,” she states as if it should be obvious. “I keep telling him he has to stop oversharing with me, but he’s done it for so long, bad habits are hard to kill. Can’t complain, though. It’s like having a news broadcaster who knows everything that’s happening the moment it happens.” She turns around.
“I’ll see you around. Got some stuff to take care of.”
She’s taking a few steps away, but I can’t help but say what’s on my mind.
“Katherine?” She pauses in leaving. “I’m not sure about today with the contracts being signed and all, but maybe after the guy’s first game, you want to go out? Like… for drinks? It can be us, or we can get a few of the guys to come. Or maybe just our mini secret crew.”
“That would be pretty cool. I mean, if we’re not busy.”
“I’ll text you my new number. Armani will, too. Tell Leo to keep his schedule open.”
“I’ll pass the message.”
I may not see her face, but I can tell from the uplift in her voice, she’s excited at the possibility.
“Now, hurry up. I’ll distract the guys with my utter annoyance, but next time you guys are going to get frisky, make sure Winchester isn’t around. He’s clearly out to screw you two over,” she acknowledges. “And not in a threesome type of way. I feel that would work well with Cyrus Jr,. though.”
“Wh-What?” I gasp and catch her walking out of sight.
“Five minutes or I’m gone.”
Soon enough, the locker door closes.
“Damn. That was close.” My heart is racing now that we escaped being caught by Dakota. “How does she know you have a shiny lightsaber without looking?”
Armani turns his head enough so we’re able to look at one another.
“Oh.” It clicks. “Leo?”
“Seventeen-year-old talks too much,” Armani grumbles.
“I swear he’s thirty.”
“He says you started the thirty trend.”
“Did I?” I don’t even remember. “Well, everyone agrees with me, so I’m just stating facts,” I conclude. “Now, down I go and pray I brought another set of workout gear.”
“We have to shower.”
“You and I both know we have no time to shower,” I stress every word, so he realizes how delusional he’s being.
“I can make time.”
“And how will you do that, Armani?” Now I have to witness firsthand the magic this man is going to pull to get us the privacy we need for a ten-minute shower.