“If Winchester can get away with almost killing a mother and child on the road, I’m pretty sure I can get excused for accidentally walking into the female locker room that’s not properly labeled,” he concludes, reminding me of the whole fiasco that happened with Winchester recently.
I didn’t listen to the news broadcast in its entirety because I ended up falling asleep on Armani’s couch, but there was some sort of car accident involving a mother, her child, and Winchester. Mikayla was involved in some way and ended up having to be admitted to the hospital. I hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to her in detail about it because she’d been busy with Strattonville Vipers, but the police excused Winchester on any possible charges while they investigated whether the mother was under the influence.
Which I doubt.
“Winchester has connections and money,” I groan with an eye roll.
“My connections and money.” I barely catch Armani’s statement as he tries to move from my hold. “I’m leaving.”
“Grumpy Goalie, hold your horses!” I hiss and jump on his back, so he has no choice but to stay still.
“Jesus, Andrews. Are you a monkey now?”
“Nah, I’m a cute sloth, so you have to be a patient gorilla and wait for me to change into a newer set since you drenched this one.”
“I didn’t drench your sports gear.”
“You turned on the shower when you were kissing me like a possessed fool,” I argue.
“I wasn’t possessed.”
“Your shiny cock says otherwise.”
“Why do women call every pierced cock that?”
“Because it’s shiny. You accessorized your cock with Swarovski crystal barbells just like your nipples, yet you don’t want me saying it’s shiny?”
“Are we really having this conversation right now?”
The creak of the door makes us both freeze before voices come from the top part of the locker room.
“Unbelievable. This isn’t going to look good if what Mr. Champion said is true!” I hear Dakota announce in frustration.
“Do you really believe Winchester is going to get a bigger deal than the rest of the team?” The second voice is from Caren with a C, aka Katherine.
“If Mr. Champion is mentioning it before the Pincer Blades get in the signing room, I strongly believe multiple teams from other provinces and even countries are inquiring about Winchester.”
“He was on the news recently, too. The publicity may not be the best, but it’s still publicity. Social media is everything these days. Look at the Strattonville Vipers. Their game is tonight, and everyone is confident they’re going to get to the top with ease. All thanks to multiple viral videos.”
“I can’t wait for Iris to get here. Caren, I know you’re doing what you can with the social media posts and photography for Saskatchewan Pincer Blades, but they’re going to need more of a push to get in the favorites.”
“In all honesty, I really don’t think it’s the Pincer Blades’ fault that they’re not popular compared to Vipers,” Caren admits. “You’ve seen the dark side of TikTok, yes?”
“Dark side?” Dakota sounds oblivious.
“Everyone is all starry-eyed for Winchester in Canada, particularly here in Strattonville, but he doesn’t have a good rep everywhere else from what I’ve observed.”
“I’d gladly compile a bunch of videos showing evidence of this. I don’t know, but whatever rep Winchester has outside of Strattonville is going to catch up to him if he’s not careful. That car accident seems a tad fishy, and some people were able to get images of the streak marks on the cement that don’t match a typical Tesla vehicle.”
“What do they match then?”
“A motorbike. The tire streaks matched the ones that were on Winchester’s bike. Not surprised, but as he said, he was almost killed by the sleep-deprived mother who almost lost her child if Nurse Johnson hadn’t been there to save the day.”
“She’s alright, yes?”