Page 127 of Wrong Pucking Player

“Have you tried weed?” He changes the subject.


“One day we’re trying that,” Armani announces. “You’ll be either crazier or some sort of philosopher when high.”

“Is that a compliment?” I groan.“And you didn’t answer my previous question.”

“No. I’m not a druggie,” he confirms. “Smoke, drink whisky, scotch, and beer, and smoke weed when I need to calm the fuck down before big events. Other than that, nothing else appeals to me.”

“No smoking for me. You should stop that, you know? When you’re ready,” I point out in seriousness but don’t want to further pressure him. “Vodka, tequila, margaritas, shots if I need to pull ‘Operation Hoe.’ Never done weed or anything else of the sort. I wanna try weed, though.”

“When I get some, I’ll let you know.”

“It’s legal?”

“Totally legal here and a lot of Canadian states now.”

“You two are being super friendly,” Wyatt comments as he lowers the boxes to the island.

The crazy part is I completely forgot he was here until now.

Armani lowers me onto one of the bar stools.

Wyatt takes note of what I’m wearing.

“Why are you wearing his jersey?”

“She was wearing practically nothing,” Armani answers for me as he places my cake and everything needed to make it fantastic in front of me. “Can’t let her walk around in shorts and a sports bra during the fall season. She’ll get sick.”

“She runs in those clothes all the time. It’s not going to change anything now,” Wyatt argues.

I’m not sure if it’s just him being annoyed or if he’s being condescending right now out of spite.

“That’s when she’s working out and moving her body versus sitting down and eating cake and ice cream.”

“Then maybe she shouldn’t eat ice cream first,” Wyatt mutters.

“Kenzie always eats her dessert first.”

I’m surprised by Oscar’s defense enough that I pause in taking the first bite to look at him.

“How do you know that?” I have to ask.

“You’ve been like that since you joined the Heartbreaker Crew. If dessert is available to be served first, you always order something sweet before eating steak or anything salty. You do that all the time. Even if it was a piece of chocolate. You’d bring bricks of those chocolate candies, and you even cried once because they all melted during those hot summer days when we all went to that beach. Winchester made fun of you, then you beat his ass. Kane and Diesel ran to get you every chocolate flavor ice cream the stand had before you told him you’d never tell the public about how you kicked his ass.”

I’m speechless.

“That didn’t happen,” Wyatt groans.

“You weren’t there,” Oscar notes with a shrug. “You had your fancy dinner event and had to go with your siblings. Your father came to our beach day, though, and supervised with Coach Johnson.”

“You actually remember this shit?” I whisper in disbelief.

“Why would I forget?”

“Cause it was more than ten years ago? I don’t even remember some of the shit we did that summer.”

“Then I’ll remind you.” He doesn’t seem surprised. “I have a sharp memory, so if you need me to remind you of shit, say the word,” he concludes and looks back at Wyatt. “Now, can we set the food up? I don’t think we waited for your delivery to be arguing about Kenzie wearing my jersey.”