Page 109 of Wrong Pucking Player


The tender touch to my hair is a first for me.To feel a woman’s fingers run through my short locks so tenderly.Only my mother has ever comforted me like this.The woman who has to stay far away in a country that makes her untouchable.

Living in this country is probably the hardest thing I’ve had to do.

Being deemed undeserving for things all because I’m not flaunting my prestige family card to the world around me. Living in a small town where status seems to be what ensures you have a nice, respectable childhood is daunting, but what’s harder is wearing a mask around those you wish to trust, knowing when push comes to shove, they’ll betray you.

Jayce would do so in a heartbeat.

Yet I still care for him, still wish he’d like me the way I’ve always loved him.

I always imagined he’d be the first one to accept me.

Especially when he was the first one to kiss me like that.

To touch me.

Please me.

Teach me things I knew nothing about.

That one night should have changed our dynamic.

Instead, it ignited it in flames because denial and self-hatred were what he delivered in return, leaving me to be the receiver of his despise.

His disgust, his ultimate betrayal, and now, the ticking bomb that’s going to explode between us sooner or later.

Despite everything, I know one thing is for certain.

Either Jayce will be the end of me.

Or I’ll be the end of Jayce.

There’s not an ounce of hope that they’ll be anything in-between.

That we’ll have a happy ending.

The truth reminds me of Andrews.

What about Mackenzie?

Could we be… happy together?

The image of her sleeping in my arms comes to mind, leaving me to imagine what it would be like to be by her side. To publicly admit we’re a thing and dating each other.

Winchester would ensure the world thinks it’s nothing but a fake relationship.

Yet he’s not blind.

He’s seeing the signs.

That’s why he keeps bringing her up.Poking the bear to watch me react to his nagging need to know the truth.

I’m falling for Andrews.


I’ve already fallen for her.