“Yes, Andrews.”
“What?” she puts her hand up to her ear to emphasize she didn’t hear what I said.
“Yes, Nurse Andrews,” I correct myself.
“That’s more like it.” She then surprisingly grabs my hand and tugs me with her. “My office moved, so let me show your lost ass there.”
“I’m not lost,” I grumble.
“Yeah, yeah. Just admit you can’t follow directions to save your life,” she counters. “Coach Johnson told you to go to the conference room before practice, and you went to the Strattonville Viper’s side. Wyatt told me earlier.”
“Ugh,” I grunt. “Stupid equipment manager.”
I don’t like how they’ve been talking to one another today.
“Just admit you are directionally impaired.”
It takes me a few seconds to realize we’ve been walking this whole time, and we just left Winchester standing there in the hallway.
Like a dumbfounded fool.
“You want to get me killed, don’t you?” I end up groaning because I feel like I’ll be punished for being so defensive.
“If I don’t get you hooked up to an IV in five minutes, I think you’ll die of dehydration with how pale you look.”
Shit, is it that bad?
“You’re not being serious?”
She doesn’t answer me. Instead, she leads me to her new office, sits me down on the medical bed, and has me hooked up to an IV in less than five minutes. She’s finalizing the timer on the machine pump and writing down my vitals when there’s a knock on the door.
“Come in,” Andrews encourages.
The door opens to reveal Coach Johnson.
“When Winchester said you kidnapped Armani for a random assessment, I thought it was something else invasive,” Coach Johnson declares as he looks at me with a hint of worry. “You good, Armani?”
“Been better, Coach.” Honestly, I feel like shit, but I’m saving face for my own fucking sanity.
Okay, it’s my pride. My fucking pride to look good in front of Andrews.
“Maybe if Winchester hadn’t delayed Armani from seeing me, he wouldn’t be on the verge of passing out,” Andrews barks.
I’m only now acknowledging how mad she is.
Wait. She’s mad?
“You have a complaint, Nurse Andrews?” Coach Johnson also notices the serious tone in Mackenzie’s voice. I haven’t seen her look genuinely mad in a while.
“You need to have a talk with Jayce because I won’t tolerate his interference if it happens again,” she stresses before she points to the iPad she’s been using to jot notes. “It’s in Armani’s chart that he has a rare condition that when he exerts himself physically, he sweats double the amount than the average person. His doesn’t seem as severe, but conditions like these, matched with extreme sports, especially hockey, can be life-threatening.”
Coach Johnson nods his head before he slips into the room and closes the door behind him, so we have absolute privacy.
It’s not a big deal to me because the team knows about this shit, but Andrews’ seriousness blows it out of proportion.
Or I just think it’s not as big as she’s making it.
“Armani can literally drop physical weight in the first half of gameplay. If any games go into overtime, he can tip right into dehydration. Practices haven’t been very intense, but this week, I’ve noticed we’ve been pushing the sessions to be longer, which has been impacting Armani’s performance.”