“Anything for my partner in crime,” she declares and hugs me again. “Now, if I can convenience my supervisor to let you actually be my partner in crime.”
“What?” I gasp and lean back to look at her. “I don’t have experience in the FBI!”
“True, but you’re technically a Moscow Mafia Princess who has to learn the ropes of how to run an empire, anyway? Why not do both?”
“Ugh. Don’t go bringing her into this mad world, Katherine,” Oscar groans. I look over at him to see his mad expression, making me flinch before I hide behind Katherine.
“W-Wait. Why are you hiding behind me?”
“You need to shield me from his wrath,” I whisper. “He’s mad I stole his gun.”
“Stole my gun. Endangered yourself. Almost got yourself killed, which falls under a different category of endangerment. Hypnotized yourself. Like, how the fuck did you do that?”
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a cool skill to have,” I mutter before I look for Wyatt. “Shit. Where did Wyatt go?”
“Oliver had to force him to go and give a statement, so they use it to start the prosecution of Frankie in regard to Wyatt’s mother’s death,” Armani reveals. “They’re farther down there.” He points to the group of cop cars, where I catch Oliver shaking Wyatt’s hand.
It looks like their conversation is over, which is why I leave Katherine with a ‘distract my goalie lover’ comment, and I’m off running toward Wyatt.
He’s watching as the cop cars head out, including the massive ‘everything proof’ metal truck holding Frankie that begins to drive away, surrounded by cop cars that are driving at the same pace to whatever undisclosed location they’re headed.
“Wyatt!” I call out to him as I get closer, noticing the way he turns around and watches me approach him.
His eyes water almost instantly, and I’m fighting my own tears before I leap at the last step.
Jumping right into his arms.
He holds my weight effortlessly as he hugs me so fucking tight, I feel like my ribs will bruise. Spinning us in circles, we come to a stop as we hug each other with everything we have.
Pulling back, I watch his tears fall as he looks at me as though he can’t believe this is real.
“X-Xandra?” he hesitates as fear lingers in the depths of his eyes. He doesn’t want to have his hopes, which is why I couldn’t wait any longer to confront him.
“Now, why is my equipment manager, childhood bodyguard, boyfriend-to-ex-boyfriend, back to being my boyfriend while sharing me with my second goalie boyfriend and future player of the Saskatchewan Pincers while hopefully being my ongoing bodyguard crying and looking as if he’s seeing a ghost?” I summarize the best I can before I cradle his face with my hands. “Is that enough for you to realize I remember you, or do you need something more?”
His tears overflow as he whispers, “I want something more.”
That makes my grin widen before I go on my tiptoes, so I can speak the next words against his lips.
“How fast do you think we can get on a plane, head to Moscow, and get your cock pierced?”
He smothers me in the most passionate, sensational kiss either of us has experienced with one another.
The wave of relief that rushes through me makes my knees buckle, but he simply lifts me up, the motion so smooth, we don’t break our consuming kiss until our lungs are begging for air.
“Xandra,” he chokes on his tears as he looks up at me. “You… actually remember.”
“I’m sorry,” I have to apologize as I let my own tears fall. “It was the only thing I could think of. When Katherine was hurt and I heard the creak upstairs, I knew Frankie was still in the house. I was worried if I didn’t confront him, he’d kill Katherine or have some sort of plot to try to harm you, Oscar, and Leo. When I confronted him, everything happened so fast.”
I try not to remember the actual events because it was absolutely frightening. Scarier than the confrontation with Frankie because compared to this moment, where I was surrounded by those far more skilled in this field of murderous gameplay, back in Harvey’s house, I was alone.
Having to figure everything right in that critical moment.
“Throughout dating Frankie, he always mentioned wishing you’d forget what was most precious to you. I had a feeling that was me, but I didn’t mention anything since I was your ex and didn’t want to push the wrong buttons in a relationship neither of us were taking seriously,” I confess. “Despite that, I knew Frankie never gave up on his magic tricks because he wanted to use them to try to kill on purpose. To do like he did that man who killed himself in the parking lot.”
“That… was Frankie’s doing?” he whispers.
I nod with a sad expression.