Page 281 of Wrong Pucking Player



“Mr. Tobias? I’m surprised you’re here.”

I’m shocked to see him here as I lift my head from my knees at the sound of footsteps.

“Likewise,” he comments while his gaze softens as he peers at me from behind these metal bars. I notice how his eyes specifically remain on my bruised arms, leaving me to chuckle nervously as I run my hands through my loose curls.

“I was trying to enter a burning building,” I admit with a sad smile. “Armani was in there. Trying to save our kitten. He ended up getting Nurse Ross as well.”

I don’t even know why I’m telling him this as I stare at my bare feet. I have no clue where my shoes are. I hadn’t even acknowledged being barefoot until now, but I guess everything isn’t going to settle in until I feel safe.

“The firefighter stopped me from going inside because they had ‘done their best’ and weren’t going to go in to save anyone else. I couldn’t think of standing there knowing Armani was in there, so I was fighting against the guy, and his grip was really tight. That’s why the bruises. Maybe contribute to why I’m spending a night in prison or whatever.”

“Did Armani get out?” he inquires.

“He did.” I don’t stop myself from actually smiling. “I kicked the firefighter’s balls and ran into the building. Met him in the lobby. He saved Muffin and Nurse Ross.”

My smile fades away.

“But he got arrested for accusations that aren’t true in the slightest.”

“Really?” Mr. Tobias doesn’t seem pleased by the news. “Like why?”

“That he started the fire,” I begin, and the way I laugh makes me wonder if it’s really a sound of mockery or hopelessness.

A mix of both.

“How the hell is he supposed to do something like that when he was at the fundraiser ball? We were literally taking photos with the team when someone screamed fire, and we saw what was happening on the television screen.”

It makes me so angry.

“That and being investigated for blackmailing the gay players on the team with threatening notes and text messages. It’s all lies.”

“You don’t believe he did those things?”

“No,” I say the single word as firmly as I can, looking straight into his eyes. “Oscar Armani would never belittle someone simply for entertainment. He’s always wanting to support others, especially on topics that revolve around how one identifies in this world.”

“So, he’s not like the team’s captain who doesn’t mind openly degrading another over who they’re interested in,” he says, almost like a confirmation.

“Armani and Winchester are on two different spectrums. Trust me when I say that Armani only remains by Winchester’s side because he probably has not a single person left who will support his egotistic personality. It’s obviously proving not to be worth it, though. Why be loyal to someone who will never acknowledge what a difference you make in their lives? Better yet, why stay by someone’s side when you’re going to throw them under the bus?”

“So, you believe Winchester is behind this.”

“I don’t believe,” I mutter and don’t even care if this makes me some sort of snitch. “I know it’s Winchester because he brings anyone gay down, even though it’s obvious he’s been in love with O’Riley for years.”

Mr. Tobias nods his head in understanding before he takes a step toward the bars.

“So, you support Armani.”

“I support Oscar Armani and will stand by until he’s proven innocent. I’m not going to let him lose everything he’s fought for because Winchester is trying to throw him under the bus. All because Armani is a better captain than Winchester has ever been. Tell me, Mr. Tobias, in all the times you’ve observed our practices, how many times have you seen Jayce?”

“Once,” he admits.

“And that was because that practice was mandatory,” I remind, to which he nods.

“It was.”