“You’ll enjoy me all morning before we get ready for the fundraiser ball,” he assures me. “I have to go earlier to help finalize some stuff, but I’ll join you two upon your arrival, okay?”
“Ok…ay.” I like listening to his voice. “Wyatt?”
“Yes, Xandra.” He’s running his finger lazily along my cheek, and the sensation further entices me to fall back into the arms of slumber.
“Tomorrow… after breakfast… and sex,” I mutter and almost get distracted by the imagined scenario of morning sex between these two.
I’ll be so sore before the fundraiser ball.
“Yes, baby?”
I bet he thinks I fell asleep with my postponed response. He patiently waits, even though it takes me a good minute before I remember what I wanted to ask.
“Want to come over and see my place?”
His silence makes me wonder if he’s surprised or if I’ve fallen asleep before getting an answer. Forcing myself to open my eyes just slightly, I see the way his eyes glimmer with shock and hints of relief.
“You… want me to come over to your place?” he asks for clarification. “You don’t have to if you don’t want—”
“I want to,” I interrupt him quietly, though I’m fighting a battle to keep my eyes open.
I’m so tired.
“I want… you to see my safe sanctuary.” My eyes are already closing. “My safe place. With my plants. Loads of plants.”
I can envision them already, the scene making me feel more relaxed as the seconds tick away.
“Xandra,” Wyatt whispers.
“It’s next door,” I finally reveal, and how oddly satisfying it is to finally speak it out without fear. “I live… here. In this building. Since… sixteen…” I’m already beginning to drift, but I want him to accept my invitation.
“I want… you… to see. I want you there. I’m not afraid… anymore. Or embarrassed.” All those years fearing of being judged by the man I love feel stupid now. “I feared you’d hate me. Leave me… for being poor.”
“Never, Wildflower.” His lips against my forehead are everything before he kisses my left cheek, followed by the top of my nose. “I’d be honored to see the place where you found a sense of comfort within, Xandra.”
Such a relief.
“Yeah…” I don’t think I can fight the pull any longer. “I’m happy… Wyatt.”
His lips press mine before he snuggles even closer against me.
“I’m sorry if you ever felt like you couldn’t share something so important to me. You may understand my circumstances and why I acted the way I did all these years, but it doesn’t excuse how you feel Xandra,” he whispers. “I know we can’t go back to change it, but I want you to always remember that I’ll support you and be by your side no matter what. Rain or shine, rich or dirt poor. No matter our status or the money we have in our bank accounts, I’ll always love you. No matter where we live, I’ll never feel ashamed to be at your side. If you ever need a reminder, I’ll always be here to repeat these very words, again and again. Okay?”
I hope he can see the slight smile on my lips in the darkness.
“Okay.” It’s the best set of words I could ever ask him to say. Or even repeat. “Wyatt?”
“Yes, Xandra?”
“You know I love you, right?”
“Of course, my Diamond,” he whispers and doesn’t hide the emotional vulnerability in his voice. “And I hope you know I love you dearly.”
“I know.” He’s always loved me. “I feel the love… every day… every moment.”
“Good.” Another tender kiss. “Always remember you’re loved, and if you ever forget, I’ll always be here to remind you.”
“That’s a promise?” I’m slipping away, but his answer repeats again and again in the depths of my dreams.