The shift in the atmosphere forces me to snap out of my thoughts. As if by pure instinct, my eyes are already on my Diamond.

My now very furious diamond reminds me of a kitten ready to destroy its prey.

It’s hot as fuck to witness.

It also means my ass better move swiftly for the sake of Jayce’s safety. Can’t have him starting the season with a scratched-up face. Not good publicity for a new hockey team.

As if we’ve jumped back into the olden days, I not only slip between Jayce and my girl, but I have her up and over my shoulder in seconds.

Three seconds to be exact.

“And into the house we go,” I announce almost gleefully because this means I get to be alone with my girl so Mikayla can deal with bitter Jayce.

“GIVE ME TWO PUCKING MINUTES! That’s all I need! I trained all my life for this moment.”

Actually, I believe her.

Mackenzie has hated Jayce since the day she met him.

They were literally like cats and dogs, but far worse in nature. It took years before they could be in one room with one another and not be hoping to cut each other’s throats.

That hasn’t changed.Got it.

I had no issues with it.

My feisty diamond just gets to enjoy me carrying her out of those situations and taking her to a place where she can ‘calm down.’

Where we can do ‘other’ things.

“DON’T YOU GLARE AT ME, WINCHESTER!! JUST YOU WAIT! Karma gonna hit you so hard, you won’t even realize it! They’ll be no one to listen and protect you!”

We’re already up the stairs, so I doubt he can still hear her, but our entry is acknowledged by Coach Cyrus and Coach Johnson.

Aka my dad and the man he still won’t admit he has feelings for, even though he’s been clinging to his side for years.

“Hi, Dad,” I greet first. “Hi, Coach Johnson.”

“Good evening, Wyatt,” Coach Johnson replies.

“I’m gonna assume you came to bother Mackenzie,” Dad says.

I come to a brief stop, glancing over at them as they’re looking over some paperwork in the kitchen. Neither of them looks surprised that I have Mackenzie over my shoulder. To them, this is just damage control.

Nothing abnormal to see here.

“Actually, I didn’t know she was here.”

“Lies!” My Diamond attempts to wiggle out of my grasp, but I simply crouch down slightly so I can use the movement to push her up enough off my shoulder, so she sits better when she comes back down.

“Wyatt Cyrus! Let me down!”

“No.” I’m so firm with my response, it leaves her too stunned to speak.

I love that.

Peering over at my dad, I carry on with, “Jayce is downstairs to see you.” I end up looking between them. “Actually, I think both of you.”

“Us?” Dad looks confused. “For?”