Page 6 of The Good Bad Boy

"So fucking good," I replied, and we both laughed. He wrapped his arms around me, and I lowered my head into his shoulder, closing my eyes. This night might have turned ugly for a minute there. But now, here, with him, it couldn’t have been more perfect, and I wouldn’t have changed a thing about how it had turned out.

"I think I should get you to bed," he remarked as I slid into the spot next to him.

"Guest bedroom?" I asked, and he flashed me a grin.

"What do you think?" He replied, and I laughed. Yeah. I was pretty sure we were fully and completely past guest bedrooms by now.

Chapter Four Scott

When I woke the next morning, it was to the feel of someone in the bed next to me—not exactly something I was used to.

But, as I turned to face Thea, I couldn’t help but smile. I had thought she might leave before I had a chance to wake up, but, listening to her slow breath as she slept, I was glad she had chosen not to.

I trailed a finger down her bare back, admiring the curve of it beneath my hand. Last night had been good—as in, really, really fucking good. Our chemistry was insane, and we’d spent most of the night fucking before we had collapsed into bed and fallen asleep next to one another in the early hours of the morning. It had been a long time since I’d had an all-night session like that, and I had forgotten how damn hot it was to not be able to get enough of each other—to make out and fuck and touch and do everything you could think of, just because you were so into each other you couldn’t resist it.

I had no idea what was going to happen now, of course. No idea if she was going to slip out the first chance she got and leave all of this behind. I wouldn’t have blamed her if she did. We had met in slightly odd circumstances, and I doubted most women dreamed of meeting a guy when they were being sized up by two random thugs.

But, at the same time, I had seriously enjoyed what we’d shared, and I wanted to know where it might have gone from here. What we might have been able to make if we just played our cards right. It was clear the desire was there between us—what else could there have been if we just played our cards right?

I sat up and stretched, heading to a shower to wash off the remnants of the night before and to give her a chance to sneak out without running into me if she didn’t want to. I was never going to pressure her to stay. There were plenty of women out there who would have liked to be with me without a caveat, and if she wasn’t one of them, she was welcome to go on her way.

But when I came out of the shower, Thea was still there, sitting up and looking around. It was clear it had taken her a moment to remember where she was—more an indicator of how brain-scrambling our time together had been than the booze, I hoped.

She smiled when she saw me, patting her hand down on the bed, motioning me to join her. I didn’t need to be told twice. I headed over and took my seat next to her, tucking a hand behind her head as I did so.

"Good morning," I murmured to her, and she grinned as I pulled her into a kiss.

"Good morning," she began, but before she could get out another word, there was a knock at the door. She jumped, and I sighed and pulled back.

"Sorry," I apologized. "Probably just one of my associates stopping by with some papers. I’ll be back in a minute."

I threw on a robe and headed down the stairs, opening the door to find Mark standing on the other side. He was holding a handful of papers that looked as though they had been crammed hurriedly in his bag before he had left the house.

"Hi, Mark," I greeted him, keeping my voice as calm as I could. I didn’t want to let him know I had a girl upstairs. It would have been totally unprofessional. Even though there were men in my position who likely would have loved to show off their game, I had never been one of them.

"I’ve got the papers we were talking about yesterday to confirm your investment in the casino," he explained as he handed them over to me. "You can take a look in your own time. No rush. I mean, the sooner, the better, but..."

He trailed off, stopping himself before he could get too forward.

"Thank you," I replied, and I heard a creak on the stairs. I glanced around to see Thea ducking behind the banister. What was she doing down here? And why was she acting like she didn’t want to be seen by anyone? It’s not as if anyone would know her. I doubted we were in the same circle—hell, universe. Maybe she had been trying to slip out and instead been caught in the act.

"I’ll get these back to you as soon as I have the chance," I promised him, and I tucked them under my arm. Mark frowned, having noticed me looking over my shoulder.

"Is someone else here?" He asked me, and I shook my head.

"Just me, as far as I know," I replied, smiling at him. He nodded, though I could tell he didn’t exactly believe me. He knew better than to go delving, though. The two of us were still pretty fresh in working together, and Mark was cautious around me. I was the first person in my position he’d ever worked with, and he seemed to approach every meeting as though he was expecting the cops to bust down the door and arrest him on the spot.

"Right, right," He replied. "I’ll catch you later, then?"

"Catch you later," I echoed and watched as he made his way back to the car before I closed the door behind him. Maybe I shouldn’t have given him my address. I wasn’t sure I wanted him rolling up out of nowhere like that, but if we were going to be working together, I’d need to get used to it.

I turned around to find Thea standing there draped in one of my shirts, her eyes wide as though she had seen a ghost.

"Who the hell was that?" She demanded, wrapping her arms around herself, her eyes darting back and forth like she was expecting someone else to burst out of a cupboard when she least expected it.

"Just someone I’m working with," I told her. "Why? What’s it got to do with you?”

"Mark? Is his name Mark?” She pressed me. I frowned at her in confusion.