“Can you give me an example of what’s twisted up?” He asked the question as gently as he could. Littles and their emotions could be complicated.

“I um… do I have to?” She snuck a quick look at him and then her face was out of sight again.

“No. But I’d really like you to. I want to understand you, Heaven, and communication is important.” Especially if they were going to keep growing closer.

She gnawed on her bottom lip for a second, and then gave in. “Being spanked by you was… different. I don’t mean the way you spank—well that too, a little, but um… how I reacted to it was… different.” Her face, still flushed, seemed to get redder.

One eyebrow went up as he looked at her. “How so?” He didn’t need to ask. He was pretty sure he already knew the answer, but he wanted her to admit it.

“I, uh, sort of… liked it at first. I mean—” She cut herself off and shook her head.

He patted her back and let her go. “Come on, let’s sit down and talk about this,” he suggested as he led her back to the sofa.

“It’s embarrassing,” she whispered, taking a seat.

“That’s because this is still all relatively new to you. You were never spanked before coming here, right?” She nodded and he continued, “And since you’ve been here, most of your spankings have been for punishment, and probably in Little space for most of them?”

Heaven hesitated. “All of them were punishment. Well, except for the first one I got when I arrived. It was kind of um, a test to see how I reacted to it, I guess. Since then it’s all been punishment, and I guess most have been while I’m at least partly in Little mode, yeah.”

“I think being in a younger headspace tends to make it less likely that your body will find spanking exciting sexually. And I also think that for some people punishment carries too much guilt and regret for those sexy feelings to engage most of the time. Maybe it has something to do with that?” Or… maybe she had feelings for him and having his hands on her was just different.

He wasn’t going to say that to her, but he wanted to.

“I guess, but I was in trouble today. I wasn’t really feeling very Little, although sometimes it goes in and out when I get nervous. I’m weird like that.” She shrugged, looking away. “Mostly I wasn’t in that headspace though.”

Angel frowned and reached out to tug one of her pigtails gently. “You’re not weird, Heaven. Or, at least, if you are, it’s the best kind of weird. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Understand?”

She bobbed her head, just once. “Anyway, it was still punishment, and I was mostly feeling adult.”

“Well, Heaven, sometimes spanking hits different when you’re a Big girl.” He fake coughed. “Pun intended.”

Her head snapped back, and she stared at him for a second before giggles rolled out of her. “That was terrible, Sir.”

His mouth tilted up at one side. “Terribly funny you mean—and you can go back to calling me Angel now, if you want. The trouble is done and you’re a good girl again.”

That seemed to be exactly what she needed to hear. Her mouth curved into a smile and her eyes lit up. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Anyway, despite the bad joke, spankings do tend to affect subs differently in an adult headspace. Sometimes the situation, and who’s doing the spanking also makes a difference.” He left it at that, but she seemed thoughtful after.

He didn’t take her back to the dorm immediately. It was getting late in the day, but he was reluctant to return her. A sudden impulse had him inviting her to stay for dinner.

‘Don’t you eat over in the main building?” she asked.

“Sometimes, but not usually. I often have lunch there, while I’m working, but by the end of the day I’m looking for some peace and quiet.”

“Peace and quiet sounds really good actually. It’s always a bit”—she winced as she struggled to find the right word—“exciting in the dorms, and in the cafeteria too. I’d love to stay.”

It occurred to him that he wasn’t really stocked for guests, and he wasn’t entirely sure what he could manage to put on the table with no advance planning. Probably something he should have considered before the invite. He got up and went to poke around in the cabinets. “Um… how do you feel about grilled cheese and canned soup?” he called over his shoulder.

Heaven laughed. “I mean, who doesn’t love grilled cheese, right? Though I gotta say I was expecting something a little more um…”

Angel turned back with a sheepish grin. “Okay, secret time. I’m great with chocolate and a pretty wide variety of desserts, but when it comes to regular food… well, let’s just say I usually keep things simple.”

She slow-blinked and then snorted a laugh. “Maybe I should stay and cook for you then. I started cooking for my brothers and sister when I was about eight, so I’ve got a decent menu in my head. Nothing fancy, but plenty of homey meals.”

“If you want to cook, be my guest.” He waved a hand. “Not sure if we’ve got the ingredients for anything much, but you’re welcome to look.”

To his surprise, within half an hour she had the apartment filled with the aroma of delicious homecooked food and he was kind of in awe over what she’d managed to put together with his short-list of ingredients.