She was too upset to mask it well and people would try to help. They were all wonderful, caring people, of course they would want to know what was wrong. But Heaven couldn’t expose herself any more than she already had.
Despite the agreement with Master Derek, she knew she couldn’t go back to the Littles’ Wing. She slipped through the halls, trying to look as though she belonged there. She was dressed casually, for the kitchen. No school uniform in sight, and that would help some.
Her record for sneaking around and not getting caught wasn’t great, but like most of those other times, she just didn’t feel like she had the choice. If anything it was worse now. She thought she might explode if she couldn’t catch her breath.
Usually when she snuck out, she didn’t go any particular place. She wasn’t looking for something. She was just trying to get away from strangling rules. Typically, she’d just start walking and let her feet take her wherever.
This time they took her to the dungeon, by way of a long meandering route that covered a good part of the main building. There was a podium and a stool just outside the double doors, but no one was there at the moment. That made it extra tempting to push open one door and take a quick look.
The rules were clear, no Littles were allowed in there. And she could understand that, because just peeking inside, she could see some scary looking devices. Scary but exciting.
They were things she’d seen online. Things she’d fantasized about but… things that weren’t really appropriate for the Littles of the Ranch.
But part of her ached with the urge to go in and explore anyway. No one needed to know she was a Little. She wasn’t dressed like one, and there was no one she knew inside.
After a long hesitation, and a feeling of dread that warned her she’d regret it, Heaven pushed the door further open and was working up the courage to step inside when a hand settled heavily on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks.
“I’m pretty sure you know you’re not allowed in there, little girl.”
She squeaked. It was audible which made her face flush as she turned to see Angel. Why was it Doms always seemed taller when they caught you doing something you shouldn’t be, she couldn’t help wondering.
She could have sworn that he wasn’t more than a few inches taller than her when they were working together, but now that she was in trouble, it felt like he was towering over her. “Um… I…”
She was trying to figure out what to say, when Angel looked over her shoulder and his stern look melted into a grin. “Hey, Jaben.”
Heaven turned to see an older man with a silver beard and a short mohawk coming through the doors. She’d seen him around, but she didn’t know him. His eyes settled on her for a second and then flicked back to Angel.
“Sorry about that. I had to check something. So, Angel, finally decided to come use the dungeon? It’s quiet today. Plenty of space for you… and your guest.” His eyes flicked to Heaven again and then he moved over to settle on the stool beside the door, waving an arm for Angel to go ahead in.
Heaven’s eyes widened. “Oh, I wasn’t—”
“Yes,” Angel said, cutting her off. “Come on, Heaven, let’s go inside.” His hand settled on her lower back and gave her a gentle push toward the doors.
“But—but…” She trailed off, not sure what to say. If she said she wasn’t supposed to go inside, the guard might realize she was a Little and he might report it to Master Derek. Also, as curious as she was to see everything, she had a sinking feeling she was in trouble.
And being in trouble in a whole room filled with dungeon equipment and spanking implements just seemed like a bad idea. Before she knew it, they were through the doors, and Angel’s hand dropped away so she could stop and look around.
It was beautiful and not at all what she’d expected. Her time searching the web for BDSM resources had pulled up plenty of dungeon pictures, but nothing like this. Not that she should have been surprised. After all, Rawhide was like no other place in the world.
“Like what you see, chica?”
She turned slowly on her heel to take it all in, nodding. “I do. Um—” She stopped and looked at him. “Littles aren’t supposed to be in here though.”
“You can be in here with an appropriate escort.” Then he gave her a pointed look. “But I’m pretty sure you were breaking that rule on your own. Among other rules.”
There was a low fluttering sensation in the pit of her stomach. “Oh… well… I was just…” There wasn’t a lot she could say. She had been breaking several rules, and she’d known it.
“Uh-huh. Come… I think we have some things to talk about.” Angel took her gently by the arm and pulled her over to a comfortable, overstuffed loveseat, ignoring her dragging feet. When they reached it, he sat first and pulled her down next to him.
“I’m sorry I broke the rules, Angel. But please don’t tell Master Derek. He—he might not let me work with you anymore.” She thought getting the request in fast before he’d worked up to whatever he was going to say might help.
Angel just looked at her thoughtfully and as the silence drew out, she began to get antsy, squirming a little. She felt compelled to speak, since he wasn’t. “I really like working with you in the mornings. I-I was just a little upset and I didn’t want to go back to the dorms.”
“Do you find it hard to be in the Littles’ Wing?”
Chapter 8
She hesitated, wondering how to answer that. She didn’t want to sound like she was ungrateful for her place, or that she didn’t want to be here. “It’s just that I don’t know how to be a Little. I mean, I have a Little side. I do!” she assured him vehemently, as if he’d questioned it.