Since she’d already missed most of class and wasn’t feeling up to sitting down and focusing, she hid in her room until lunch, and then made a point of searching out her friend to poke her for information. “Hayleigh! Eat with me? I need to ask you something.”

“Sure thing, but only if you tell me what happened this morning. I heard a rumor you got in trouble again!” Hayleigh’s eyes were wide, and she was shaking her head like she couldn’t believe it.

“Uh, yeah. Um… I did. Let’s get lunch first.”

They picked up their lunches and carried their trays over to a table in the corner. Heaven took her time, arranging everything before she leaned in and told Hayleigh all about her meeting with Master Derek.

“Crap on a cracker! I’m surprised you can even sit right now,” her friend said. There was awe in her expression. “I would definitely not want to be sent to his office three days in one week. Nope.”

Heaven shifted in her seat, wincing. “Yeah, not my best idea. I just… I was going crazy and the thought of sitting in class had my head buzzing. I needed to get out.”

Hayleigh shook her head. “I hope it was worth it.”

“Kind of? I was actually almost back when I got caught. I think they warned everyone to look out for me special, because I was being sooo careful and then bam!” She smacked her hands together and the loud crack made several people around them jump. “Oops.” She dropped her hands.

Hayleigh giggled. “You can’t be making spanking sounds around here, Heaven. People will have panic attacks.”

Well, when she put it that way… Heaven dissolved into quiet laughter too and it took them a few minutes to get back on track before she could talk again. And then, between bites of chicken tenders and fries, she told Hayleigh everything that had gone down in the office.

Her friend looked impressed. “Wait, really? You get to work with Angel? Wow… they’re usually really strict about Littles in the kitchen. Even I’m not really supposed to hang around. Daddy usually has me wait in his office.”

“Well, I mean… I am a baker and all. I worked in kitchens for a living.” No one, not even Hayleigh, knew she was the majority owner in a whole chain of bakeries. It wasn’t like she was a billionaire or anything, but there’d been that television show about their cakes.

It had gotten picked up for streaming a couple years back. And then there was the grocery store cake line. The name was… recognizable now, and Heaven Leigh preferred to fly under the radar whenever possible.

“I guess, but still, that’s pretty cool. What do you think about Angel? I bet you’re going to looooove working with him. He’s really nice and those dark eyes and the way his hair curls at the ends…” Hayleigh sighed dramatically.

Heaven wasn’t fooled. Hayleigh didn’t have eyes for anyone other than her Chef, but she was clearly trying to make the chocolatier sound interesting. “I guess Master Derek and Sadie aren’t the only matchmakers around here,” she said, rolling her eyes.

That got another giggle out of her friend. “I’m not matchmaking. I’m just suggesting you keep your eyes open to the possibilities, M’kay? I mean Master Derek said the best solution was for you to get your own Daddy, and Angel’s single so…”

“That doesn’t mean he wants me, Hay. I mean maybe he’s not even interested in having a Little who isn’t always a Little. Maybe he’s gay. Maybe he’s not even that into the lifestyle. I mean, has he ever spanked anyone?” She shrugged.

“Well, you’ll have to figure out the answers to the first two questions. As for the last…” Hayleigh pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Honestly, I don’t know. I can’t recall ever hearing about him spanking anyone, but he’s definitely threatened a few times. Mostly no one wants to get on the bad side of the magic chocolate man, I think.”

That made sense because… well, chocolate was the nectar of the gods as far as most Littles were concerned. “He is nice though?” Her insecurities might have been showing a bit.

Hayleigh nodded firmly. “He definitely is, and very patient. He smiles a lot while he works, so I think he really loves his job. Oh! Halloween is coming up in two weeks. You’ll get to help with all the amazing Halloween treats!”

Heaven stiffened and her emotions started to shut down immediately. Somehow she’d managed to ignore the holiday coming up. It was unfortunate that Halloween would be the first big one she’d experience since her arrival. She’d heard so much about how they went all out with events.

Something about her expression must have clued Hayleigh in. “Is something wrong?” she asked. Her voice was colored with concern.

“I don’t really… do Halloween.”

There was a screech from just behind her chair and Heaven jumped. She half-turned to see what had happened. “You don’t do Halloween?” It was a Little she didn’t know well. Becky hadn’t been there long, and she was in the Butterfly classroom.

Heaven whose Little side was older, hadn’t really had much contact with her. Now she was feeling put on the spot with a stranger, and she wasn’t sure what to say. She certainly wasn’t going to explain her past, or why Halloween made her feel uncomfortable. “Um, no. I just don’t like it.”

The squeal had attracted the attention of Littles sitting around them, and suddenly everyone was flocking over. They clustered around her pouring out shocked questions.

“But… costumes! Don’t you like to dress up?”

“It’s the candy for me! How can you not love free candy day!”

“Halloween is so much fun here. You have to like it!”

“Why don’t you like Halloween? But it’s the best holiday ever!”