“You know… this wasn’t how I expected to end the evening.”
“Oh? Is it ended then?” The tone was full of teasing, and she grinned.
Angel snorted. “That remains to be seen… we do still have that punishment to deal with.”
Her eyes widened and the humor dropped as she pushed herself up into a half-sitting position. “Oh no. Not now, Daddy. That would be sooo mean.”
It would be. She probably didn’t even know how mean it would be, and it was tempting for just that reason. Without the sexual excitement to blunt the punishment, it would be extra effective. But he wasn’t even sure he could sit up, let alone make his arms work.
“I guess we can deal with it tomorrow,” he decided.
She relaxed and settled back down. “Good. Tomorrow—or you know, whenever. No rush honestly.”
He laughed and his hand came down to rest on her ass, giving it a squeeze. “You wish, chiquita.”
Chapter 18
Whatever Heaven’s hopes and fantasies had been… the events of the evening had exceeded them beyond her wildest dreams. She’d only hoped for Angel to come to a realization that he wanted to be her Daddy. Everything else was frosting on an amazingly decadent cake.
The sex had been hot. Amazingly, over-the-top hot. She could say, without a doubt, that it was the best sex she’d ever had. Which really wasn’t a shock because she could count how many times she’d had sex on one hand—with one finger left over.
Curled up in his arms afterward, she had a lot to think about. They talked a little, dozed on and off, and mostly just enjoyed each other. At some point they’d taken turns in the bathroom to clean up, before returning to bed.
Eventually she slipped into a real sleep and woke up to learn one of the best parts of being in a relationship… morning, sleepy sex. Well, she was sleepy. Her new Daddy was apparently very well-rested and had lots of energy.
The second engagement went quite a bit differently too. For one thing there was more kink in it, right from the start when she woke up to find him wrapping fur-lined leather cuffs around her ankles. “Um…”
He looked up, tossing his messy hair out of his eyes, and grinned. “Morning, Heaven. I hope you don’t have any plans for a couple of hours, because I like breakfast in bed.”
“Breakfast?” She frowned and then the expression smoothed as she realized what he meant. “Oh,” she said as her cheeks heated. “Me?”
“Yes… and you know, you have two more holes to claim. I wouldn’t want to leave you feeling like this wasn’t entirely real.”
“Daddy!” She was pretty sure he was teasing, but not… entirely.
Angel laughed. There was a wicked sparkle in his eyes, and despite the shock of what he’d said, there was a rush of excitement that made her wet. There was also a surge of nervousness. They’d already used up most of her prior experience.
He tightened the cuff on her left ankle. “But at least one of those is going to need some prep work, so we’ll save that for another day. We’re going to have lots of days together, you and I.”
“That sounds… perfect,” she admitted.
“Good. Now…” He moved quickly and flipped her over on her belly. “Let’s have you on your hands and knees.”
She thought he was going to use the cuffs to tie her legs down. Instead he connected a bar between her ankles so she couldn’t close them… and then he teased and tormented her for an eternity. It was her first real experience with edging.
And also her first experience at sensual spanking, which she quickly realized was a lot more fun than the punishment kind. The steady slapping of his palm across her bottom kept the sting just on the edge of being too much and she began to rock back, looking for more of it, especially when he’d stop and let his fingers play between her thighs.
When he switched from using his palm to the leather belt, she thought she’d explode into a million pieces. There was something incredibly sensual and sharp about the burning swatches the leather left across her skin. The intensity took her breath away, but every time it got close to being too much… his fingers would return to her greedy soaked sex to tease her back from one kind of overload, by urging her toward another.
By the time he finally let her come, she was a needy mess, begging him to take her. When he slid his hard length into her, it felt like the most perfect connection. They fit together just right, and when he was inside her body it was like they were one person.
It was an amazing morning, and she would have been happy to stay in bed all day, but that wasn’t possible.
“Nope. It’s Halloween, Heaven. I probably should have been setting up already, but you… were too enticing.” He laughed as he rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom.
“Ugh. Well, I can wait here until you get back then.” It would give her an excuse to miss the party.
She’d made an effort to come around on the holiday. And so far it had been the best Halloween of her life, but she was still reluctant to dive right into the festivities. Maybe next year it would be different.