He shook his head. “Sorry, chica. I wasn’t prepared for this tonight. I don’t have protection.” His hand went down to stroke his erection.
“Oh! My jeans. There are some condoms in the pocket.”
His eyebrows went up and she managed, despite already being flushed, to hit a darker shade of red. “Just in case,” she mumbled as her eyes slid to the side. Her mortification was adorable.
He laughed and shook his head. She was a never-ending source of surprise. He debated for about three seconds, before climbing off the bed to snatch up her jeans.
“I was kind of looking forward to decorating you with pearls… but I guess there will be time for that another day.” He said it to watch her squirm, but the truth was he’d rather be inside her. He wrestled with the condom package. His haste made it a struggle.
At least that gave him a little breathing room and he was able to ease himself back from the edge. If he was going to fully claim her, he wanted to do it right. One thing he was learning was that Heaven was bad for his self-control. He wanted her fast and hard, and holding back was an effort.
Especially when she sprawled there, staring up at him with those gorgeous dark blue eyes. They reminded him of the sky just before a storm, but somehow there was a touch of innocence in them, that was completely at odds with the debauched, blissed out expression she wore.
“Ready for Daddy?” A little shiver of excitement went through him from the reminder him that he was her Daddy now. She belonged to him.
“More than ready, Daddy. It feels like I’ve been waiting for this forever.”
It felt like that to him too, which was ridiculous given how short the time had been.
She was slick with excitement, and he could feel her pulsing around him as he worked the tip of his cock into her. She was loose enough from the orgasms that it wasn’t too much effort to fit into her, but still tight enough that he had to take it an inch at a time.
His hips rolled with the shallow thrusts as he pulled back and then pushed onward until finally he was fully seated, held tight within her. It was like being caressed with hot velvet and he had to take a moment to calm down.
It was a cliché but thinking about sports, soccer in this case, did help. The way she wriggled under him, working her hips and making soft little moaning sounds… did not. He drew in a deep breath.
He pulled back, almost to the point of leaving her body, and then speared her to the hilt in one hard thrust. Sliding into her was like coming home. She felt like she’d been made to fit him exactly.
Heaven cried out and clutched at the blankets. “Yes, Daddy… more like that. Now!” It was close to an order, and he stopped moving.
His heart was racing, insisting that he had to continue, but he held back. “Was that a demand, Heaven? You want to be careful about demanding things from your Daddy. He might just decide to stop…” He added a warning slap to the outside of her thigh.
It was hard enough that she yelped and clenched tight around his length as the sting set in. It almost caused him to spill and he had to grit his teeth to avoid it.
“I’m sorry, Daddy. No demands but pleasepleaseplease more like that. I promise I’ll be a good girl.” She begged so beautifully.
“That’s better.” He grinned, eyes narrowing. “Now where were we…”
The hard thrusting had moved her body further away, and now he dragged her back up against him. His thumbs pressed hard into her flesh as he held her there and began to move his hips in quick snapping thrusts that hit the end of her every time.
Some women couldn’t take that. They found it too painful—Heaven wasn’t one of them. He watched her expression carefully, but there was nothing but pure unadulterated pleasure there. “Feeling like it’s real yet, mi corazón?”
Her eyes were shut. Her head thrown back, as her body was rocked by his. “Yes, Daddy, yes, but please don’t stop. It feels so freaking good.”
Angel didn’t want to stop, but that didn’t mean he had much choice. He could feel the low coiling, the tightening of his balls, that warned him he was getting close. Listing soccer stats in his head could only stave off the inevitable for so long.
He paused, only for a moment, to lift her hips, shifting the angle and this time every thrust was stroking to slide across her g-spot. It was obvious when he slid across because her entire body stiffened, and a gasp was wrenched from her open mouth.
That was what he wanted. To drive her over the edge one more time, while he was inside of her to feel it. The speed and intensity picked up until he was constantly in motion, and each time stroking right there.
Heaven was incoherent. A mixture of sounds and words poured out of her at full volume as her body writhed and tried to match his rhythm… and then she was there. “Daddy!” burst from her lips. The word was filled with such primal emotion, and it hit the deepest places in him, both emotionally and sexually.
Nothing could have held him back at that point, especially not with the way her own orgasm was pulsing around his cock, stroking it with waves of constricting pleasure. He collapsed forward, bracing himself with shaking arms as he tried to catch his breath.
A wave of euphoria poured through him. His hips shuddered, jerking in uncontrollable movements that he barely noticed. And the entire universe seemed to shrink down to her panting, glistening body and the incredible sensation of release as he came in spurts.
Angel tried to extend the pleasure, tried to make his hips keep moving, but after a few erratic thrusts, he was done. He rolled off and collapsed next to her with a groan.
Neither of them had the energy to move at first. They sprawled there, separated only by inches, both lost in the sensations. His first reaction, when he did start to pull out of it, was to pull her over into his arms.