“I’m taking you to my bed, sweetheart. We’re not having our first time on a tiny sofa. I’m going to need some room for what I do with you.” His voice practically dripped with sensuality, and she shivered.

She didn’t need to see his face to know he was smirking as he carried her through the apartment to the bedroom. Instead, she focused her attention on the part of him she could reach—his neck. She sucked and licked at the spot just above his collar, leaving a mark that everyone would see tomorrow.

Angel was all hers now. Her Daddy. Her Dom. Her lover… and maybe someday more. Maybe Halloween wasn’t so bad if it brought her everything she ever wanted.

Chapter 17

He dropped her on the bed and stared down at her hungrily. He’d dreamed about this. Fantasized about stripping her naked and more.

Heaven sat up, leaning on her elbows and grinned. “You look like you want to eat me for dinner.”

“That’s not far off, princesa.”


He laughed. “Princess.” Heaven wrinkled her nose, and he tilted his head. “No? I guess you’re right. It doesn’t really suit you. Hmm. How about corazón? It means heart.”

“I like that one. Um… you might have to teach me Spanish. I only know a few words,” she admitted.

His hands moved down the front of his shirt, unbuttoning it. “That’s okay. I haven’t really been fluent since I was a kid. And the Cubano Spanish my father spoke was different from the Mexican Spanish my mother used, so it was a mashup anyway, but I’ll teach you, if you want.”

Her eyes followed his hands and her tongue darted out to slide across her bottom lip. “I have always wanted to learn another language,” she admitted.

“Heaven.” He put a snap to her name and her head jerked up.

“Yes, Daddy?”

His lips twitched with amusement. “Is that really what you want to be discussing right now? Because, I have something else on my mind at the moment, but if you’d rather…”

“Oh, no. Sorry, I’d like the ‘something else’ please,” she assured him.

“Good girl.” He tossed his shirt to the side and reached for the belt, but a second later something occurred to him. “Heaven, is this your first time?”

“Having sex?” She shook her head. “Nope.”

A sense of relief rushed through him. He’d wondered more than once if she was a virgin, but he was glad to learn that it wasn’t the case. Not that it would bother him if she was. It was just that he wasn’t sure he could be as careful and slow as that would require.

His hands practically shook with a need to be on her body. The urge to rip off her clothes was there, beating a demand in the back of his head—he ignored it, but it wasn’t easy. He whipped off his belt instead.

The hissing made her jump and her eyes widened as they fixed on the leather strap. He’d been about to drop it next to the shirt, but now he paused. “Do you like belts, Heaven?”

“I… um….” She swallowed hard.


She nodded slowly without looking away from the leather, then added, “I think so? I’ve never had one used on me. Not outside of fantasies.”

“Hmm.” He dropped it on the bed instead of throwing it on the floor. The punishment had been put off until later, but that didn’t mean there couldn’t be some funishment. He enjoyed doling that out more anyway. “If you want your clothes to remain in good shape, I suggest you take them off. I make no promises otherwise.”

She made an adorable squeaking sound as she hurried to strip. Another time he would enjoy taking her clothes off himself, but today he didn’t have the patience. He needed to see her body in all its glory, and he needed to do bad things to her while she quivered and begged for more.

He finished stripping first, grabbed her by the hips, and dragged her across the bed to him. “Too late.” Her panties weren’t actually destroyed as he yanked them down and off her legs… but the elastic probably took some damage.

This time they weren’t cute little-girlish panties with the day of the week printed on the backside. The fact that the pink silk with lace trim matched her bra sent his eyebrow up in amusement. “You know what they say when you unexpectedly end up in an intimate situation and the woman’s underwear matches?”

Heaven, slightly out of breath, shook her head. “No, what?”

“They say that you didn’t plan to have sex, but she did.” He examined her panties, noting the darker spot where her excitement had soaked through them. “I’m pretty sure that’s right this time at least.”