“I think you can do better than that, Heaven. Tell everyone why you’re sorry and look at people when you apologize.” It was clearly an order, backed up with iron.

She sighed and forced herself to look up. All eyes were on her. “I’m not sorry I switched the real cake pops for chocolate-dipped sprouts though, because punishing everyone for something only some people did isn’t fair.”

Angel cleared his throat and she looked at him. “Isn’t that what you did, chica?”

“Huh?” She frowned.

“Do you think every Dom, Top, and Big in this room were involved in the decision to feed the Littles sprouts this week?” he asked.

“Uh… I…” she trailed off.

“I believe the decision was Chef’s and Master Derek’s, and neither of them were here to eat the cake pops I served anyway. So the reality is… you only punished innocent people.” He wanted to say more.

He wanted to tell her how he felt about being used to give her access to a place she wouldn’t normally be allowed. He’d trusted her and she’d broken his trust, but he’d wait for that. What he’d said was enough to make his point.

“Oh. Oh, I didn’t…” A guilty look flashed across her face. “I guess I didn’t look at it that way.”

“No. You didn’t. You decided to lump all the ‘Bigs’ into one group and treat them the same regardless of whether they’d done anything to upset you. No one sitting here right now was involved in the decision, so you owe them a real apology.” He didn’t bother to hide the disappointment in his voice.

She took a deep breath and nodded. “I’m really sorry I played a prank on everyone. It was wrong to take out my frustration on people who didn’t do anything wrong.” The sincerity was somewhat ruined by the look she shot Master Derek, making it clear she thought he did deserve a mouthful of raw sprout.

Angel offered her a slight smile. He couldn’t say he was proud of her at the moment, but the girl certainly did have a lot of spunk. Not many would risk burying themselves deeper like that. He looked over to see what Derek was going to think of the apology.

To his surprise… Derek looked thoughtful. “It’s not often I’m wrong, but when I am, I do admit it. So, it seems like I also owe some people an apology. Littles, if you were not involved in the strike, and still had to ‘suffer’ with Brussels sprouts, then I’m sorry. While I do understand Chef’s decision, it was a little unfair.”

Heaven’s mouth dropped open for the second time, and this time it just hung there as she stared.

Derek looked amused. “What? You didn’t think I could admit I was wrong? A good Dom should always be able to admit a mistake, Heaven Leigh.”

It took her a few seconds to get her voice back, but when she did, she said, “Does this mean we can call the whole thing even?”

“Definitely not. You’re still in trouble for multiple broken rules. You could have come to my office to discuss the punishment if you felt it was unfair. Pranks were not the way to go. Speaking of… why don’t you head to my office right now, young lady. We’re going to have a long discussion about using your words, and not your cake decorating talents, to make a point in the future.”

She looked to Angel, a flash of… need changed her expression and then it was gone. “Yes, Sir,” she said, as her eyes dropped to the floor, and she turned to go.

Something clicked as Angel put two and two together. Maybe she hadn’t been trying to hurt him or use him to get away with anything… she’d been trying to get his attention in a uniquely Little way—by getting herself in big trouble.

Angel cleared his throat. “Actually, Derek… can I speak to you for a minute? Alone?”

Derek looked at him, one eyebrow going up as he nodded. They stepped out into the hall. Once they were far enough away, Derek stopped. “You think I should let her off?”

The chocolatier snorted. “No. She deserves a good long spanking for all of this. I’d just like to handle it myself.”

One eyebrow went up as the Ranch owner examined Angel. “I have no objections to you handling the punishment, but… does this mean something more?”

“No. Yes. I don’t know, Derek. She’s—” He stopped and took a deep breath. “I sound like an idiot, sorry. Honestly, I’ve started to feel things for her that I haven’t felt in a long time. It scares the hell out of me. And she’s pretty much everything I wanted…”

“But?” Derek prodded when Angel trailed off.

Angel shrugged. “I don’t know if she feels the same way. I was angry when I realized she’d abused my trust to pull off these pranks, I still am, but then I started to wonder if she’d done it on purpose to see what I’d do. I could just be reading into things though.” He rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know how people figure this stuff out. It’s hard.”

Derek laughed and shook his head. “This is the easy part, my friend. Just wait. But no, I don’t think you’re reading into things. Sadie tells me the poor girl turns red any time someone mentions your name, and she was definitely looking to you to intercede in there.”

There was something tight in Angel’s chest and it began to loosen as Derek reassured him. “You think? It’s been so fast I was worried I was feeling things way too soon.”

“This is Rawhide Ranch, Angel, that kind of thing happens.” He clapped the chocolatier on the back. “My advice… if you want to make it official, talk to her about it before the punishment. Before all the emotions make it hard to think with a clear head. You’ll both be more sure of any decisions you make that way.”

That made sense. It really did, and he would definitely take that advice… but was he ready to suggest something official? He kept thinking about how short the time had been. Were the hours they’d shared in the kitchen, and one punishment spanking really enough to make a decision like that?