But if they got caught, they would be banned from the Halloween event and that… well, he wouldn’t wish that on any Little. So he decided to serve them himself and remove the temptation of unsupervised treats.
He carried the whole upright stand out. It was the easiest way to keep them from getting smudged or broken. It was awkward but not heavy, and he made his way around the tables in the room easily enough, skipping the ones that only had Littles seated.
It was odd that none of the Littles got upset. He really had expected some pouty faces when they watched the cake pops go by, but there was nothing. In fact, he paused and frowned, they were barely paying any attention to the treats he carried. The sprouts on their plates were getting more attention than the desserts.
It was an odd night, but maybe, he thought, they were all just thinking about Halloween. When everyone who wasn’t being punished had helped themselves to the little pumpkin cake pops, he turned to carry the leftovers back to the kitchen. They could be put out the following day with the other batch Heaven had made.
“What the—ugh, what is this?” someone called out.
As he turned back, he heard a second disgusted voice. “Brussels sprouts dipped in chocolate? What on earth…”
His eyebrows went up as he saw people around the room spitting out mouthfuls and shaking their heads. He had a sinking suspicion before he even reached the first table. “What’s wrong?”
Nurse MacIntosh held up her cake pop soundlessly. She’d taken exactly one bite and exposed the raw vegetable inside. “I believe we have a prankster. Unless you were trying to go for a healthy dessert?” One eyebrow went up as she looked at Angel.
“No. These were supposed to be cake. I’m not sure what happened.”
‘I didn’t think so.” A delicate shudder rolled through her body as she put the sprout down.
Angel frowned. His eyes scanned around the room for Heaven. He hadn’t noticed her earlier, but now he saw her sitting on the far side at a table full of giggling Littles. It was one of the tables he’d skipped.
His eyes met hers and narrowed. Her entire face was filled with suppressed glee, but when she saw his eyes on her, she blanked her expression and looked down quickly. It was all the confirmation he needed.
Not that there had been any doubt, but he’d deal with her later. “Sorry, everyone. Apparently, we’ve all been victims of a prank. Don’t eat the cake pops… unless you like chocolate-covered Brussels sprouts.” He went around to each table and collected the “desserts”. Most hadn’t actually been touched yet luckily.
Derek came in just as he finished. He frowned as he looked at Angel. “Something wrong?”
Angel wasn’t sure if it was his expression, or the fact that he’d been heading out the door with a rack full of desserts, but once Derek took a good look at the cake pops, it became clear what the issue was.
His expression settled into one of grim annoyance. “A prank I assume?”
“Looks like it.”
“Revenge for the sprouts, I imagine.” Derek shook his head. “Who do you think was behind it?”
Angel sighed. “Well, I have a pretty good idea.” His glance went back to Heaven and Derek’s followed. She seemed oblivious.
“Now that is a surprise. She doesn’t usually get herself in that kind of trouble. Interesting.” And then he pitched his voice to be heard across the room, “Heaven Leigh.”
Her head jerked up and the smile on her face slipped away. Derek crooked a finger at her. There was dread in every step, as she slowly made her way across the cafeteria.
Angel didn’t feel the least bit sympathetic. He was angry. At first he hadn’t really thought about when she could have done this.
It hadn’t been while he’d watched her. He’d overseen the whole baking and decorating process. But then he remembered giving her a pass to work in the kitchen at night. Alone.
Clearly she’d used that time to set up this prank, and he felt… tricked. Used. A little bit hurt, even though he tried to tell himself he shouldn’t take it personally. It was natural for Littles and subs to take advantage occasionally. It had been his mistake for trusting her with too much responsibility.
He wasn’t even sure what to say, so it was good that Derek had plenty of words.
“Heaven Leigh… did you do this?” he demanded.
“Do what?”
Angel didn’t miss the way her eyes slid to the tray he held. He was sure Derek had noted it as well.
Derek’s expression darkened. “Did you cover Brussels sprouts in chocolate so they would be served as dessert?”
“Oh yeah, that. Yes, Sir, I did.”