Sure enough he pushed her hand away and flipped the skirt up onto her back. Her panties stayed in place, and it wasn’t until she heard a snort of amusement that she remembered she’d put on the cute day of the week panties.

“You are aware that it’s Friday, Heaven Leigh, and not Monday?”

Talk about embarrassing. She sighed. “I know, but Monday is my favorite day so I… only wear the Monday ones.” She probably had five or six different styles of Monday panties, so it was a surprise he hadn’t seen her in the wrong day before, but maybe he just hadn’t noticed.

“Monday is your favorite?” The surprise was obvious. “I have to admit I’ve never heard that before.”

There was a story behind it, as there was behind all of her weird quirks. How could she explain to him that growing up, Monday was always a relief from Sunday’s oppressive rituals. It meant having a little more freedom. It meant not being judged and watched every moment of the day.

“Monday is my happy day,” she said finally and left it at that.

“Well, sadly for you, it’s not Monday,” Master Derek said as his hand swept down in a firm spank across the back of her panties.

They were thin cotton and did very little to pad her rump. Still the “Ouch!” was probably overly dramatic.

At first.

Chapter 2

It took serious effort not to rub as she was leaving his office. Her backside ached like she’d accidentally sat on a nest of fire ants, and Master Derek had definitely been determined to make a point… or twenty.

As she passed Erika’s office, she did finally get a look of sympathy. Erika must have assumed that the long visit behind closed doors was because of the punishment being lengthy. She wasn’t wrong, although there had also been talking before and after, plus a cuddle which soothed the emotions, if not the physical ache.

Master Derek had a hard hand and she’d already been struggling to keep her legs from kicking up before her panties were swept down to her knees. As thin as they were, there was still an immediate escalation of sting once they were gone.

Heaven did her best to be stoic, clamping her lips closed to hold back the cries each time his hard hand slapped down. Even that first part seemed to go on forever. It was easily double the other spankings he’d given her, and fat round tears were starting to roll over her cheeks by the time he was done.

Not done with the spanking though, just done with using his hand.

She heard him pick up the paddle and tensed. “M-Master Derek, please. I—won’t—” She cut herself off abruptly before saying something she knew wasn’t true. Heaven didn’t lie. She evaded, she refused to answer, but she didn’t lie.

If she said she wouldn’t break that rule again, it wouldn’t be the truth and she knew it, so she stopped, took a deep breath, and tried a different tack. “I don’t want to break the rules anymore,” she assured him. Of course, she hadn’t wanted to break them before either. She’d felt compelled to, which wasn’t the same thing at all.

“I know you don’t, but I think we both know that unless some changes are made, it will keep happening. So, first we’re going to take care of the punishment for repeatedly breaking the same rule, and then we’re going to see what we can do to fix it in the future.”

Before she had a chance to reply, the paddle came down on her bottom with a solid swat. The size was more than enough to cover one entire cheek at once, and the grooves of the imprint made a real impact—so to speak. She hissed in a breath between gritted teeth.

“We have rules for a reason, young lady,” he said. The paddle snapped down on the other cheek and both her feet left the ground at the same time.

Stoic went out the window, so did quiet and still. She twisted on his lap, one hand flying back to try to cover her sore bottom.

Master Derek was experienced with punishing naughty Littles and was obviously prepared for this to happen. The moment her hand came back, he’d grabbed it and pinned it firmly to her back. “There will be none of that, Heaven Leigh.”

The paddle came down eight more times. Four swats to each cheek and by the final one, she was sobbing her heart out and pleading with him in an incoherent babble. When he was done and had pulled her up into his lap to cuddle her, she found herself wondering if the design and Ranch name had been imprinted on her skin like a brand. It sure felt like it.

After the spanking was the best part of being punished on the Ranch. She wasn’t one of those Littles who needed punishment for its own sake, but being punished was almost worth the comforting that followed. The aftermath, when her mind was quiet, and all her self-doubts were tucked away.

That was when she could let go completely so someone else could take care of her. Master Derek was good at knowing the right thing to do and say once the spanking was past, but so were most people on the Ranch. They got it.

They understood that everyone got something different from the experience. They knew what to watch for and how to handle just about every situation. For Heaven it was reassuring.

In the strict religious household she’d grown up in, there had always been punishment. Sometimes it was deserved, many times it felt unfair, but no one ever held her afterward like this. She reveled in the warm calm moments.

Once the tears had trickled to a stop and her breathing had evened out, Master Derek explained the other part of her punishment. “Since you’re struggling so much with the rules and seem to have too much time on your hands, I’ve decided that we need to keep you busier. It’s not exactly a punishment, but, hopefully, a temporary fix for this problem.”

Heaven sniffled and looked up at hm. “Chores? Like what?” She was picturing herself scrubbing floors on her hands and knees and that didn’t sound like it would fix anything.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but before you came here you were a baker, right? Fancy cakes?”