She lost count of how many times he swatted her. It felt like hundreds (but probably wasn’t) before the pain began pushing the pleasure back. She finally let go of his leg and threw her hand back to cover her bottom.

She expected him to stop and scold her, maybe warn her that she’d be in bigger trouble if she didn’t move her hand. He might have stopped long enough to grab her arm and pin it to her back instead. Either way it was worth it for the break.

She didn’t get one.

When her arm flew back to block his spanking hand, Angel simply shifted his aim downwards. Suddenly his hard palm was cracking down hard and fast on the back of her tender thighs. The pain escalated with an abruptness that took her breath away.

It was too much and finally the pleasure receded entirely and left her with nothing but a sore, burning backside. Heaven Leigh squealed. “No, no! Not the thighs, please, Angel, not the thighs!” she blurted. Tears were already starting to trickle down her cheeks and she had a feeling he’d barely started.

“That’s ‘Sir’ to you, chica.” The correction came without even the briefest pause in the spanking. The burning was intense, and it was hard to believe he was only using his hand.

“Sir! I meant Sir, please not the thighs.” She twisted, shooting him a wide-eyed begging look over her shoulder. Her hand still hovered over her sore, hot bottom, but she wasn’t agile enough to protect the area he was spanking now.

Angel wore a stern expression, without a hint of his usual easy-going personality. He shook his head. “I’m sure by now you know better than to put your hand back, young lady. Actions have consequences.”

One spank after another landed on her thighs, covering them in handprints from just above where her jeans rested, to the sensitive crease where her legs and bottom met.

He didn’t say he’d leave her legs alone if she took her hand out of his way, but she dragged it back in front of her anyway, just in case. Her fingers curled around his ankle, and she held to him tightly, desperately hoping it would make a difference.

It didn’t. He seemed content to stick with spanking her thighs and it hurt so much. Every spank added more sting and heat, until she thought she would burn up from it.

It was far from the worst spanking she’d ever had. In fact, if Master Derek had been the one to catch her down in the dungeon, she had no doubt her butt would be getting paddled hard right now. There might even be the strap—it was a pretty big rule after all.

But Angel’s style of spanking was simply different from what she was used to. He didn’t remind her of the proper protocol for behavior during a spanking. He just reacted when she broke it. He was mostly silent too. The expected lecture that often occurred during a spanking was absent.

“Please, Sir! I’m really sorry. I promise I’ll never go back to the dungeon by myself again.” She burst into noisy sobs as she made the promise.

And just like that he stopped.

She caught her breath, shocked at the sudden end to the spanking. Whether it was her promise that had brought a halt, or just a coincidence, she wasn’t sure. But she was very glad he was done.

Or so she thought.

Chapter 11

Heaven had the most spankable bottom he’d ever had the pleasure of turning over his knee and the way her pigtails swung and bounced as she wiggled across his lap made him want to continue the spanking for much longer. The temptation was hard to resist, but it was his first time spanking her and he wanted to be sure he didn’t go past her limits.

Her reactions to the punishment had been interesting, exciting. Like many Littles, she let her emotions out during a spanking. Her quiet demeanor slowly melted away as she began to kick and yelp under his hand. He would have loved an excuse to try his belt across her beautiful ass, but there would be time for that another day.

For their first time it was enough, but not, he thought, commiserate with the crime. Derek had mentioned her frequent escape attempts. What had happened today, wasn’t only because Angel had accidentally upset her. It was a long established habit.

The dungeon visit, something everyone on the Ranch knew Littles were forbidden from, had just been an escalation. Likely that had been her emotions needing release. The spanking gave her that, but he didn’t yet feel comfortable being as harsh as she probably deserved for her actions.

Still, by the end of the punishment, Heaven was limp across his lap. The sniffling and hiccupping went on for a while, as his hand lay gently on the back of her panties. He enjoyed the feel of the heat soaking through, but he also wanted her to worry he wasn’t finished. It would keep her attentive.

“Heaven, you know better than to take off like you did. You’ve been punished repeatedly by several people for breaking this rule. Where are Littles supposed to be when they aren’t supervised?”

“T-the Littles’ Wing.” A sad whimper followed.

“And how many times have you been spanked for getting caught someplace else?”

She was silent. He gave her a minute before he lifted his hand and brought it down in a quick, sharp swat.

“I don’t know, Sir! A lot!” Her panicked response was probably truthful.

“Too many, right?”

She squirmed as his palm settled back down on her bottom. “Y-yes, Sir.”