Her mouth opened as if to say something and then she closed it again, looking thoughtful as she considered it. “I… guess that makes sense,” she said finally. “But no, nothing else like that. Nothing that would come up now anyway.”
As eager as he was to move into the spanking, he had to ask one question. “Heaven, you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but I’m curious. If your middle name is such a problem, why haven’t you dropped it entirely? In a place like this… where people often use middle names during punishment… it seems like trouble waiting to happen. Especially since both pronunciations are common.”
“Well, the thing is… Leigh isn’t my middle name. Sarah is. My whole first name is Heaven Leigh. I know it’s… yeah.” She sighed. “They realllly wanted to hype the holy vibe and it’s a lot. But Heaven Leigh is who I am, and until I moved out, I was never called just Heaven. People do now, and I don’t mind, but I still feel like Heaven Leigh.”
She took a deep breath and let it out through her nose. “Besides, Heaven Sarah just doesn’t… mesh well.” She grinned as she added the last part.
“No, no it doesn’t.” He laughed and shook his head. “So do you prefer Heaven or Heaven Leigh?” He was careful to pronounce the second half correctly.
“Honestly either. Just as long as… well, you know.”
He got it. He wasn’t going to make that mistake again. He nodded. “Okay, now let’s get this spanking out of the way. Jeans down to your knees, Heaven.”
The moment he gave the order, she tensed. The relaxed humor between them vanished. Her hands went to the button of her jeans but stopped there, fluttering uselessly. When her glance flicked to the door, he wondered if she was going to make a run for it.
If she did, he wouldn’t chase her. He would, however, report it to Derek. Since that was something he’d rather not do, he fixed her with a look. “Heaven, pants down. Now,” he said, in a stern tone he rarely used.
Chapter 10
The moment she’d turned away from the Littles’ Wing and chosen to run off on her own, she’d known there was another spanking in her future. When she found her way to the Dungeon… it just guaranteed it was going to be an extra hard one.
The only really unexpected part of it all was that Angel was the one who was going to give her that spanking. She was okay with it. Part of her even liked the idea of him dealing with it.
Angel was fun and he was kind. He rarely raised his voice, and she’d fallen into an easy camaraderie with him while they worked. His relaxed attitude didn’t scream dominance, and she’d wondered, more than once, if he was a Dom. It was a mistake, she’d learned, to assume that just because someone had a position of authority they were dominant.
On her first day in the kitchen he’d warned her that he would spank her if she acted up, but still… it could have been a bluff. When the question had finally been answered over lunch, there had been a happy fluttering in her chest.
She wasn’t sure why it mattered. There was nothing between them. But still, it had made him even more attractive, and she’d had to cut off certain thoughts before they got out of hand.
Despite that, she hadn’t reckoned with that leading to… punishment. Certainly not on the very same day.
She was under his authority, of course, but even if she hadn’t been, she was a Ranch Little. Getting caught in naughty behavior pretty much guaranteed a good spanking from any bossy person who snagged you in the midst of it. Well, unless you had your own Dom, in which case they might just tell on you.
When Angel offered to handle her punishment instead of turning her in, there’d still been a moment of shock. He was just so understanding and patient that it was hard to picture him being harsh, and yet… the idea of it did things to her.
A warm rush of anticipation swept through her body. Her nipples tightened and there was a tingling between her thighs urging her to choose him. She probably would have anyway, since the alternatives were less pleasant, but the way her body lit up with excitement made her answer clear.
She’d never felt that when she was in trouble with Master Derek, or Nanny J. Being in trouble with them caused dread and if she looked forward to any of it, it was just the cuddling afterward. But with Angel…
Her eyes had dropped to his hands—his strong, capable hands. She pictured them turning her bottom bright red before moving to other places and she wanted all of it with him. Of course, she’d agreed, and then immediately anxiety had started to creep in.
She ignored it at first. They were talking and he continued to be the same gentle Angel she’d gotten used to
It wasn’t until the spanking was imminent that her nerves got completely out of control. In fact, as they’d worked over his Halloween diorama together, she’d completely forgotten why she was in his apartment at all.
But then he’d taken a seat on the couch and suddenly it felt all too real. Her sweet, relaxed mentor in all things chocolate vanished, and in his place was a stern Dom telling her to call him Sir. There was a low fluttering feeling in her middle as everything flipped. It was so hot… and that was inappropriate for something that was supposed to be punishment.
She wasn’t supposed to want this, but she could feel her panties growing damp. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she prayed he’d think it was just because she was in trouble. The idea that he might realize she was turned on by the experience was horrifying.
This didn’t happen to her. Never, in all the times she’d been punished on the Ranch so far, had she ever felt like this while standing in front of an authority figure.
Sure, sometimes thinking about it afterwards, with the remnants of heat and sting still making her backside ache, she’d get those excited squirmy feelings. Mostly she ignored it. Having a roommate would have been inhibiting enough, but part of her, way down deep, still thought masturbation was bad. Between the two, it was rare she was able to get up the courage to find release.
It was an oh-so-delicious kind of suffering though and her fantasy life could be very vivid at times. She’d often pictured the kind of man who would finally make all those things real. Oddly enough, those imaginary Doms were nothing like Angel.
She’d thought Doms were supposed to be tough and… well, stern all the time. Angel usually made her feel relaxed, happy. They worked well together, like a team, and she’d just assumed he was always like that. Until now.
There was a brief moment when she looked at the door and considered making a break for it. Which was… ridiculous. Not only would it get her in heaps of trouble, but it was entirely unnecessary.