He loved that they could discuss these things. Sharing a similar background was a big plus, and a good sign that there might be a future for them. Derek really did have a touch for matchmaking and Angel was going to have to let him know how things were going.
Which reminded him. “Feel free to look around, Heaven. I’m going to call over to the Littles’ Wing to let them know you’re with me before they organize a search party. Then… we’ll take care of your punishment.
He went to the kitchen to make the call. Not that there was any special need for privacy, but he wasn’t exactly sure what the protocol was for bringing her back to his apartment. If he was going to get a lecture, he didn’t want Heaven to hear it and think it was her fault.
“Hi, Nanny J? This is Angel. I just wanted to let you know I still have Heaven Leigh, so no one goes looking. We have a little discipline issue to deal with. I’ll escort her back when we’re done.” And to his surprise it was as simple as that.
He hadn’t even had the chance to tell her he had Heaven in his apartment. Nanny J sounded very busy, told him she was making a note and didn’t ask anything further before saying goodbye. For some reason he’d been expecting them to quiz him, maybe ask “Angel who?”, but he’d forgotten how small the Ranch community was.
But with that out of the way, it was time to get down to business. He had to admit, if only to himself, that he was eager to spank Heaven. He’d been picturing it in his mind for days.
She hadn’t left the craft room and instead was poking around with the Halloween mock-up. When he came in, she looked up and waved him over. There was an intense expression on her face, and he went to see what she was looking at.
“Listen, I think this witch is going to need more support, but if we move her over by this tree, we can run a pole up through the trunk and it will mostly be hidden, but she’ll still be totally visible. It will just look like one thick branch is in front of her.”
Angel leaned in, considering the change. It was small enough that it wouldn’t mean reworking much, and she was right. It would give the flying witch more support, which had been a concern. He nodded. “I think you’re right. It does leave a gap over here, but if we—” And then the next half hour was lost to a highly technical discussion.
There was more cross-over between her baking and his chocolate than he would have expected. At least in terms of design. Together they sorted out a slightly different arrangement that was better than his original plan. He straightened, a wide grin on his face. “Nice. I think this is going to be better. Thanks to you.”
She shrugged, dismissing the praise. “You’d be surprised at how much a cake layer can weigh. You get used to judging the amount of support structure you’ll need to keep things from toppling. Seeing it set up like this made it easier to notice the problem.”
“Well, you saved me some time when I went to put it all together at the very least. I appreciate that. These big projects are massively time consuming and having a part break off would have added stress… but it’s not going to save you from the spanking I owe you.”
He could tell she’d completely forgotten her reason for being there. Her bright blue eyes widened, and her lips parted emitting a soft “oh” sound.
“Come on, I think the living room will do.” The bedroom felt a little too personal, and the first time he brought a woman into his bedroom, he preferred it be for a fun reason.
The living room furniture wasn’t ideal. He didn’t have any fancy spanking benches in his apartment either, but he’d make do.
She followed him silently. She hadn’t protested or even argued the punishment much. There was no Little stomping her feet or whining either. He wondered if it was acceptance, or a fear that he might turn the situation over to Derek.
She needn’t have worried. Angel was past the point where he might have let someone else deal with her. “Since this is the first time I’ve spanked you, I’m going to stick with my hand, and let you keep your panties up—providing you behave.” There was a warning in his tone as he settled down in the middle of his sofa.
She shot him a grateful look. “Thank you, Angel.” She was embarrassed. The way she shifted from one foot to the other, her hands twisting in the hem of her T-shirt, and the bright red flush that covered her face all made it clear.
It was an important part of punishment, that embarrassment. For some Littles a bit of humiliation added to the excitement of the scene. For others it made the discipline more effective. He had a feeling Heaven was the latter.
He shook his head. “Not during punishment, chica. Sir will do when you’re in trouble.” He was so tempted to add “unless some other appropriate title comes to you” but he didn’t. He’d love to hear her call him Daddy, but it was too soon to even hint at that.
“Yes, Sir. Sorry.”
Because it was their first time together, he took a moment to touch base with her. “I’ve skimmed your file, Heaven, but are there any limits you need me to be aware of? Or anything we need to talk about before I spank you?” He would have given it more attention if he’d realized he was going to end up feeling things for her.
She looked down at her feet and shook her head. When he cleared his throat, she quickly corrected herself. “I mean, no, Sir. Nothing that would come up right now, I don’t think.”
“You’ve had the safety classes, so you’re clear on safewords?”
“Yes Sir. Red, yellow, green.”
“Good girl. Make sure you use them if you need them. Even if you just need a break or some reassurance. I know you have triggers, and I don’t want to trip another one today.”
She looked up, blinking. “Another one?”
“Your name. Remember earlier?” One eyebrow went up in question.
“Oh. I… guess I didn’t think of that as a trigger. I thought triggers were just…” She waved an arm, “being scared of canes or something.”
He frowned. Well, that did explain the name issue not being mentioned as a trigger in her file. It should be and he made a mental note to mention it to Derek. “No, Heaven. A trigger is anything that causes fear or emotional upset. It doesn’t have to be related to kinks. From what I saw, the way you reacted to the name issue… I’d say that’s a trigger. A big one.”