Sadie’s brows furrowed and she huffed. “That’s not the point. I had some great ideas! It’s not my fault I only just thought of them last night.”

“Maybe you can save them for next year? If it’s just a matter of time then you could get started on it earlier next year,” Hayleigh suggested.

It was becoming apparent that Sadie had very specific ideas of what she wanted for Halloween and no amount of advice was going to help her get over it. And then someone from the nearby table, who had been listening, suggested a plan that was guaranteed to get everyone in trouble.

Heaven didn’t know who said it first. She’d turned her attention back to her lunch and hadn’t seen. What she did know was that it was immediately picked up by everyone.

“Wait… how can you strike? No one here has a job…” Heaven tilted her head looking confused.

“I have a job,” Ben pointed out. “But I’m not skipping it,” he added.

Sadie waved that off. “We can refuse to go to class instead.”

Hayleigh looked alarmed. “Um, normally I’d be on board for the fun, but I can’t skip my classes. I have an exam coming up and I really have to take this seriously.”

Sadie sighed. “That’s okay, Hay. I totally get that,” she assured her.

Heaven was so glad someone else had bowed out. It made it easier for her to do the same. “Um, you’ll have to count me out too. I’ve already been in Master Derek’s office three times this week, and he said I had to behave if I wanted this job with Angel.”

“No,” Sadie said thoughtfully. “You definitely can’t risk that. It’s okay, Heaven. I think there’ll be enough of us on board to make a point.”

Heaven was pretty sure that the only point being made would be each of them getting upended and spanked. Yet they all seemed excited about it. Soon there were Littles clustered around the table laughing and promising to take part.

She leaned over to Hayleigh and whispered, “I don’t get it. Do they actually think this is going to work?”

Hayleigh shook her head. “Nope, but it’s kind of a tradition here at Rawhide. It’s been a while since there was group trouble like this, but sometimes it does work, in a way.”

“Really?” Heaven had trouble believing the Bigs would give in like that.

“It at least lets them know we’re serious about something. A couple of years ago on Thanksgiving we had a protest and handcuffed ourselves to a fence to save the turkeys from being dinner. We even made signs and slogans to shout. They were sooo mad and we were all in tons of trouble.” Hayleigh’s eyes were wide just thinking about it.

Heaven frowned. That didn’t sound like much of a win. “Um, where’s the part where it worked?”

Her friend laughed. “Well, despite getting in trouble… the turkeys did get a rescue. Daddy had to buy frozen ones to roast for dinner instead.”

Huh. That was a kind of success. “So you think they’re hoping they’ll all get in trouble but still get a bigger party, or whatever?” Her eyes narrowed. “Actually, Sadie never even said what her plans were. How do they even know it’s worth it?”

The other girl shrugged. “Sometimes you just have to roll with it. Even if you know you’re going to get your butt paddled, the adventure it still fun up until then.” She paused and then added, “Sometimes the spanking part can be fun too.”

Heaven sat back and shook her head. She really didn’t get it. She liked the discipline part of being a Little, and it felt important, but she didn’t have the same zest for getting in trouble on purpose that a lot of them had.

“Won’t their Daddies and Mommies be really mad though? Not to mention Master Derek.”

There was a pause, as Hayleigh considered the question. “Maybe some will. Some might think it’s funny. But you know, Heaven… this is part of the whole Little experience. Making bad choices, getting into trouble, and getting punished are important pieces of this for most Littles. The Bigs know that. They expect it and most of the time they enjoy dealing with it, even if they don’t say so.”


“Anyway,” Hayleigh said with a grin, “that’s how Daddy and I got together. So you know, sometimes there are other benefits to getting in trouble.”

Breaking rules had always been hard for her, and it was true, she had been doing a lot of that, but only because it felt like she hadn’t had a choice. Protesting over an unimportant holiday, knowing they’d be in big trouble for it, just seemed… silly. If that was what a Daddy would expect from her then… maybe she was right to think she’d never find one.

Chapter 5

The day Angel found out Heaven was about to enter his life, everything changed. It had been a normal workday, and he was busy in the kitchen with no idea that everything was about to shift.

"Angel, can I talk to you a minute?"

He turned to see Derek, a man he considered a friend, despite also being his employer. "Sure, sure. What can I do for you?"