Chapter 1
She sat slumped on the wooden bench outside of Master Derek’s office, staring at her feet and trying to pretend like she wasn’t in trouble again. It had been a long wait, and she was bored with nothing to do but try not to think about it. Master Derek was having a meeting of some kind and Erika had just shaken her head and pointed to the bench without comment.
It had become a habit recently. His assistant was probably getting tired of seeing her there. Master Derek was probably getting tired of it too.
A few minutes later the door to his office opened and there was the sound of conversation as people came out. She snuck a quick look. There was a couple paused in the doorway, still talking to Master Derek, but she didn’t recognize them. They were probably guests, which was somehow more embarrassing than anyone else who might have seen her sitting there.
Maybe if she was lucky, he wouldn’t notice her waiting until they’d gone. Then they’d never need to know she was in t-r-o-u-b-l-e.
Her gaze dropped back to the floor as she tried to be invisible. It didn’t work and suddenly there was a long sigh. That she did recognize because she’d gotten to hear it a number of times recently, usually directed at her.
“Heaven Leigh… again? What is this, the third time this week?”
Maybe his vision is based on movement and if I stay still, he won’t see me.
“Heaven Leigh, I’m talking to you, young lady. I expect to see your face when you answer me.” He was using that tone. The one that said she was in big trouble, and she better not make it worse.
So much for being invisible. She forced her eyes up to meet his and gave him a nervous half-grin. “Uh, hello, Sir. Fancy meeting you here.”
One of his visitors laughed. He turned to Derek saying, “We’ll get out of your hair. It looks like you have something to deal with, but thank you for the personal touch. My wife and I have been looking forward to this trip for months.”
Master Derek fixed her with a foreboding look and then turned back to give them his attention as they finished up and said their goodbyes. Once they had gone, he turned back to Heaven, giving her a long stare. “All right, young lady. In here right now.” His tone strongly suggested that stalling would be a mistake.
Heaven hurried to her feet and followed him back into the office. She stood in front of his desk and fiddled with her uniform, tugging the shirt straight with sharp, nervous gestures while he took a seat and regarded her.
“I’m sorry, Sir,” she said finally.
“Are you? That seems unlikely, Heaven Leigh. If you were sorry, you wouldn’t be in here almost every day.”
That was the thing though. She was sorry. She just… didn’t feel like she had any other options in front of her.
He jerked his chin toward a guest chair. “Sit.”
She sat, carefully perched on the edge of the large leather chair as if ready to take flight. Her bottom was already tingling, and she could almost imagine the sting she’d be feeling soon.
“What rule did you break today?”
“Um, I left the Littles’ Wing without permission.”
“And what rule did you break on Tuesday?”
“I… left the Littles’ Wing without permission.”
“And last week?”
Heaven sighed. “Same thing, Sir.”
“Right. So you can see why it’s hard to believe you’re actually sorry.”
She rolled her bottom lip under and gnawed on it as she considered how to respond. The facts were plain, and she couldn’t argue them. “I just… I’m not trying to get in trouble on purpose. I know it probably seems like I’m just being a brat to get punishment, but that’s not it.”
He leaned back in his chair, folding his hands as he looked at her. “Oddly enough I do believe that, but according to Einstein, the definition of insanity is to keep trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results. So, today we’re going to try something different.”
Her eyes widened. “Different? Does that mean I’m not going to get punished?” There was a hopeful note in her voice.
Master Derek chuckled. “Oh no, you’re definitely getting punished. In fact, I think we’ll be adding on some extra punishment—but first we’re going to talk.”
She hadn’t really thought she’d be getting out of punishment, but there was always hope. “Yes, Sir.”