Page 52 of Devil's Craving

“Anyway. When I was leaving this morning, Tyson pulled up to give me a ride. I assume that was your doing.” He raised his eyebrows. When I nodded, he sighed. “Yeah, figured as much. I wasn’t lookin’ to score, by the way. And I was a little pissed that you automatically went there.”

“That’s normal,” Tyson interrupted. “She didn’t listen to your needs because she was trying to help. You didn’t see hers because you were defensive.”

Clink made a face. “Whatever. While Tyson was driving me back here, I noticed Hammer’s bike out in the open.”

“Who’s Hammer?” I asked. He said already that Hammer wasn’t his dealer, but I knew he got the text from his dealer last night. I didn’t fully believe him when he said he wasn’t.

“Hammer used to be in the crew. He got kicked out for being a shady motherfucker, and he’s been screwing with us since. He likes to hide like a little bitch and pick at us instead of coming at us like a real man,” he growled.

“A little over a year ago, he attacked me at my work as a warning to Croy. He was going to do more, but Croy came to check on me and spooked him before he had the chance.” Riley’s voice was tremulous, the normally badass woman I knew now quiet and hesitant. When I looked at her, she was clinging to Quinn and Allie, and her eyes were glued to Clink.

“What did he want?”

Clink sighed. “Me. He’s lookin’ to poach. I doubt I’ll be the only one he approaches, but he knows I’m good at what I do, and he wanted to make me an offer.” His gaze swung back to me. “Somehow, he figured out I was trying to get sober. He offered me a cut of the product as well as the profits. He was lookin’ to tempt me into leaving my brotherhood.”



It made me sick to my stomach to think that there were people out there who cared so little about another person’s sobriety that they’d tempt them with drugs to control them. Tears burned my vision, and I looked at Clink, really looked at him. He struggled with staying sober, but he was trying. To be offered that kind of deal would’ve been hell on his sobriety.

“And you said no. That’s why he attacked Tyson. Right?”

He shook his head slowly. “No. I didn’t say anything.”

Disappointment hit me hard, and I tore my gaze away from him, frowning at my hands, still clutching Tyson’s tightly.

“I’m sorry, Sam. I know you wanted me to say no. Hell, I wanted to say no. But he handed me a dime and my brain shut down. I could only think about one thing. Get the hit. I was in the bathroom arguing with myself about it when I heard Tyson shout.”

I looked up with a frown. “You didn’t fall off the wagon?”

“Nah. Didn’t have the time. I ran outside, found Tyson on the ground, and got busy.”

My brows furrowed. It wasn’t the answer I wanted, not by a long shot, but it was better than him saying he had accepted the offer. He said he was arguing with himself. I wasn’t sure what I’d do if I was in his place. I’d like to believe I’d throw it out and walk away, but I wasn’t an addict. Clink had barely been sober a week. That kind of temptation was something most people wouldn’t be able to walk away from, not at that point in their journey.

“Did Hammer say he was going to hurt Tyson?” Riley asked, bringing my attention back to the room.

Clink snorted. “Hammer doesn’t say shit if he doesn’t want to. I’m guessin’ here because I don’t know how that asshole thinks, but I’m assuming Tyson was a warning disguised as a gift. If I pitched a fit, he’d probably say somethin’ like it was to help me, getting Tyson off my back. But I saw it for what it was. He was sayin’ if I betrayed his deal, he’d go for someone more important than my sponsor.” When Clink glanced at me, I sucked in a breath.


He nodded. “That’s why I picked you up. I don’t know if Hammer knows about you, but I’m not takin’ any chances, honey. Hammer’s targeting me, and I won’t have that blow back onto you. You stay here, do your job, and we’ll watch your back until he’s dealt with.”

His story was overwhelming, and I wasn’t sure what to think. Yesterday, things were so simple. I liked him, enjoyed spending time with him, and he was sweet. He offered to be in a relationship with me, even though that probably wasn’t normal for guys like him, and I let my walls down a little with him. But now, I had to think about things like rival bikers who would hurt people to prove their point, Tyson being in danger for helping Clink, and me not being safe in my own home because I slept with Clink one time. I couldn’t think straight, and I didn’t know what to say.

At one point, the other girls filed out of the room, giving us privacy. Clink left too, shooting a pain filled look at me before slipping out the door. It left me alone with Tyson, and he squeezed my hands to get my attention.

“What’s on your mind?”

I shook my head, but Tyson had never allowed me to hide my thoughts from him. He’d pester me until I spoke up and cleared the air. He tipped his head, watching me with firm patience and kindness like he always did. A tear slipped over my cheek, but I dashed it away quickly.

“I don't know what to think.”

He pursed his lips, nodding. “I get that. It’s a lot, especially coming from someone you care about.”

“I don’t–” I couldn’t finish that sentence. I wanted to say I don't care about Clink, but that would be a lie. I sighed heavily.

“I should’ve known better than to open up to someone. It always bites me in the ass.”