Page 11 of Devil's Craving

“I gotta get back for the job. Don’t worry, Trouble, I won’t tell Reaper you’re out here.”

“I don’t answer to him!” she shrieked.

Raising my eyebrows slowly, I gave her a significant look. It didn’t matter that she had an old man now. Reaper would always be Reaper and he wasn’t going to let his little sister get hurt if he had anything to say about it. Knox shoved me, keeping Allie tucked up against him.

“Fuck off, man. You piss her off, I’m the one that’s gotta deal with it. We’re fine here.”

I laughed at the look on Allie’s face. She looked ready to hurt someone. Since Knox decided to fuck around behind the crew’s back, I decided to stick it to him a little more before I left.

“I’m just sayin’, man. Pretty sure he let you win last time. I’ve seen the shit he can do. Wouldn’t want him murdering you for taking Trouble out when he already demanded a lockdown.”

Knox glared at me, still new to having an old lady and looking to prove himself. I chuckled and put my hands up innocently, walking backwards towards the exit. “Alright, your funeral. See you at the clubhouse.”

Spinning around, I let out a breath. Part of me couldn’t believe I got away with that. I was on a lucky streak today. Met a hot babe, got my hit, didn’t get caught. I whistled as I headed back to my bike. This was gonna be a great fucking night.



Frowning at my phone, I tossed it onto my bed. I’d been waiting for Clink to reply and I saw the bubbles pop up, but they disappeared and he hadn’t responded since. I was a little disappointed. I spent most nights by myself and it was fun for a minute to pretend I had a friend my age to talk to. In no way was I admitting to myself or anyone else that the kiss had something to do with me staring at my phone. Heaving out a sigh, I turned my focus back to the television. Another dinner alone in front of the tv.

The steak burrito I’d made sat half eaten on a plate in my lap, the tv still on the Netflix menu as I tried to pick something to watch. I scrolled around for a little while before settling on a show I’d seen a million times. The familiarity was relaxing and I only half paid attention to it, scrolling through my phone as I ate. I wanted to be one hundred percent ready for Russel’s evaluation of my assessments, so I figured I’d use the evening to study up.

I knew I shouldn’t have replied to Clink’s text, but I was bored and he made me laugh. I didn’t see the harm in chatting with him as long as I ignored his flirting. Seriously. Stop thinking about the kiss. I wasn’t interested in dating, and he didn’t seem like the type to let up if I gave it any sort of attention. I had to ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen.

My phone buzzed and my heart picked up a few paces until I saw who it was from. I growled, swiping the message away. I wasn’t going to answer. They needed to stop trying.

When my phone rang a few minutes later, I felt my temper spiral out of control. I picked it up without looking, growling at the person on the other end.

“What the fuck do you want?”

“Woah, easy there, sweetheart.”

I nearly swallowed my tongue. I hadn’t realized it was Clink calling me and now I felt like an idiot. I grimaced, putting my plate on the coffee table and curling my legs against my chest.

“Sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

He paused for a second. “You alright? If someone’s fuckin’ with you, I can–”

Oh, no. Absolutely not. There was no way that I was going to let an MC club get involved with my baggage. That would be like asking for drama, and I needed none of that in my life. It was why I ignored that text message.

“No! I’m fine, I promise. What’s up? You were supposed to text me back.”

“Yeah, sorry. I had to handle something. Hey, any chance we can move that assessment by a day or two? I’ve got something on that day I forgot about.”

Disappointment settled over my shoulders. I’d been looking forward to getting started, and Russel was already making me wait a week.

“Uh, sure. That’s fine. Just let me know when is a good time.”

“Great! I swear, I need an assistant or something to keep up with all this shit so I don't overlap meetings.”

He seemed chipper, and he was talking really fast. A part of me was suspicious, but I didn’t know what the rules were about those guys. It was well known that the Devil’s Disciples sold drugs, so it wasn’t a stretch to think he was using. Either that or he was just happy I wasn’t a huge pain in the ass about him switching the schedule around.

“It’s not a problem. Just let me know when is good for you. I don’t get as many jobs as the other guys, so my schedule is pretty open.”

He didn’t answer right away, and I heard static on the other end, like he was holding the phone against his chest to block the sound. After a minute, I got annoyed. He was the one who called me. Why was I the one forced to wait around for him?
