Page 85 of Break for Me

“Boy, you’re really not giving that up, are you? Okay. So, if I guess your original name, will you tell me?”

“Triss —.”

“We’ve got like six hours left, man. What else are we going to do?”

“You could just be quiet?” He laughed at himself as he said it.

“I really can’t.”

“You won’t guess it,” he said.

“Challenge accepted, Ryan.”


“Really? You look awfully douchey, Tyler.”

“Douchey? You’re going to sit there and guess douchebag names for the next six hours?” He asked.

“You’re right. This would go way faster if you just tell me, Chad.”

“Oh, God. That one is awful.”

“Why don’t you have an identity?” I asked. He looked at me like he was trying to get a feel for my level of sincerity in that question. He sighed and returned his gaze to the road.

“Our organization has us erased before we start. Protects them from problems if any of us are ever caught. Protects the employees from each other if we have disputes amongst ourselves.”

“But you said Memphis knew your real name?” I asked.

“She probably does,” he admitted. “Memphis isn’t really bound by the normal constraints that hold the rest of us back when it comes to technology.”

“And there’s no one out there in the world who would’ve noticed that you suddenly just stopped existing?”


“So, there’s really no way for me to ask this without sounding like a giant bitch,” I said, and he laughed instantly. “What kind of man were you before if you’ve been alive for ninety years but don’t have a single person somewhere out there who cares that you disappeared?”

“Not a very good one.”

“That’s both terrifying and the saddest thing I’ve ever heard, Cody.”

I pestered him relentlessly with names until he stopped for gas.

“Have I even gotten close yet, Zack?” I asked.

He smirked while he opened the gas cap, and I was suddenly baffled by how such a common action could be the sexiest thing I’d ever seen a man do.

“No, Fancy Face. You haven’t.”

“I’m about to just pick a name for you. Then you’ll be stuck listening to me scream somebody else’s name until you decide to tell me yours.”

“I don’t think that would work out very well for you.”

“Kyle,” I gasped out like I was about two seconds from climaxing right there in the parking lot of a gas station. His entire body froze before his eyes snapped back to me.

This could work better than any other tactic so far.

I even ran my hands from my hips up over my breasts when I moaned it again. “Kyle, please.”