“I don’t think I said yes?” I glared at him.
“Really? You don’t sound very sure of yourself.”
I stopped another time to turn and face him fully.
“I don’t think it’d be wise to try to date someone who knows where I work. If you end up hating me, you’d always know where to find me,” I said.
“You’re already assuming that I’m a shitty date. I could be your last first date for all you know,” he laughed. “Are you always this negative?”
“Yeah, actually.”
That was a very conscious effort on my part to avoid the first bit of his statement.
He smirked again. Like there was a hilarious joke happening inside his head that was meant just for him.
“You win. I’m not the begging kind,” he said and held his hands up in surrender. “I’ll try to not see you around.” He turned back around to walk away in the direction that he was originally headed. I watched him for a few seconds and when he didn’t even so much as look back at me over his shoulder, I sighed.
“Wait!” I went right back to him. “I don’t even know your name.”
“What use is there in knowing my name if you’re expecting me to avoid you?”
“Don’t be difficult. Do you want my number or not?”
He smiled and pulled his phone from his jacket again. He unlocked it and handed it to me once he’d pulled up a partially filled out contact page.
I laughed out loud in pure fucking confusion over this man.
“You’re going to save me in your phone as Fancy Face?” I asked. “Are you always this weird? Should I just turn and run right now?”
He laughed while I put my phone number in and handed it back to him.
“No chance you’d get away now, girl.”
My heart stopped beating for a second over his choice of words, but he winked at me before he held his right hand out toward me and that settled me back down a little.
I gripped his hand in mine. “I don’t really know if it was nice meeting you yet, Jake. Jury is still out.”
“I’m not too worried about it. I know a few judges.”
“Please don’t tell me you’re a lawyer? Or a cop?” I asked, the bile threatening to rise.
“Not even close. I’ll text you later tonight.”
And with that, he was walking away.
What the fuck just happened?
“She must be painfully desperate to get laid,” Memphis said in my ear while I walked away.
“Ouch,” I mumbled. “My pride.”
“I have absolutely no grasp on how that ended with her phone number,” she said. “You can’t be that good looking.”