My hand roamed down to the bandaged thigh before I could stop it. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why I ever thought I’d be able to just drop her off and leave her there. Something in me knew it was going to go this way from that very first resting-bitch-face-picture that Memphis slapped across my computer screen.
“Are you with me?” I asked, looking back at her face.
I told her earlier that I couldn’t promise her safety. I told her that she didn’t have to answer me right away. I really had intended to give her a while to think it over, but something inside me suddenly felt like it needed the answer immediately.
She smiled again. “Do I have to stop telling you that I hate you if I say yes?” She asked.
She was pulling at the front of my shirt to kiss me after that. It was more frantic than her movements usually were. More desperate. She pulled until the upper half of my body was on top of hers and I had to put effort into holding my weight off of her.
“Break me, Jersey,” she breathed into my mouth.
And it sent all the blood in my body straight to my dick.
I just wanted to hurt her when this started. I couldn’t put my finger on what changed or when it happened but now, while I still wanted to hurt her, I wanted to do it with a purpose. Breaking her apart would absolutely be painful, but it needed to happen. Busting out the damaged and ruined pieces would be like taking a sledgehammer to a brick wall, but I’d take that same sledgehammer to myself so that she could rebuild herself with the broken shards of me that were stronger.
While I felt like I couldn’t get him close enough quickly enough, he was frustratingly controlled this time. And I couldn’t even move one whole fucking leg so it was that much more difficult. I couldn’t just climb on top of him and make it happen at the pace that I wanted. I could barely feel that leg at all. This motherfucker even laughed when I groaned as I started undoing the buttons on his shirt.
“I’m going to need you to stop wearing clothing that takes me three years to get off of you,” I said. He chuckled again and pushed my hands down when I’d finished half the buttons and he just pulled the shirt off over his head. I didn’t waste even a second before I’d grabbed the back of his neck to bring him down on top of me again. He shifted until I was between his legs and he forced an arm under my lower back so he could move my whole body further down the bed until I was lying under him. He still wasn’t in enough of a hurry. It bothered me until I realized that everything about this felt different. He wasn’t ripping clothes off me, he wasn’t throwing me around the room or the bed, we weren’t fighting each other for who could make the other come first. He was perfectly calm while he kissed his way down the entire front of my body with every button that he unfastened of the shirt I’d stolen from him. Every touch from his lips and his tongue felt so intentional. So thorough. Like he wanted the way that I felt in response to him to be burned into his memory forever. I forced myself to slow down my thoughts to be able to just feel it with him, whatever it was. A shaky sigh escaped me when his fingers just barely brushed between my legs and his whole body froze.
“That might be the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard,” he said, like he couldn’t even breathe because of it.
“Then you’d better keep making it happen before I decide to handle this myself.”
His chuckle brought goosebumps up all over my body.
“I don’t know what kind of threat you think you’re making, but I’d be ready to die a happy man to watch you touch yourself, Fancy Face.”
The absolute and pure fucking panic that spread through me had to have turned my entire face bright red in a matter of seconds. I’d done my fair share of things when it came to sex. Touching myself for an audience had never been one of them, and I was suddenly terrified that he was going to make me do just that. He laughed again at whatever he saw on my face before he came back up to kiss me again.
“Don’t hand out threats you don’t plan on keeping,” he whispered and bit into my neck until I moaned. “Especially with me, baby.”
“Was that seriously your way of calling my bluff just now?” I asked on another gasp when his mouth closed on my nipple. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re an asshole?” I asked. My fingers clawed into his hair when I felt his teeth on my nipple. Every move he was making now felt like it held a hidden warning.
“Keep testing me, girl,” he whispered while he dragged his mouth across my belly button toward my pubic bone. “I won’t hurt you this time. I feel like I owe you for that one teeny, tiny, little stabbing that I imagine you’ll never let me live down. But you’d better believe I’ll remember every bit of this for the next time.”
“Did I just hear that I have a free pass to get away with whatever I want this time?”
He chuckled again when his lips landed on my clit and my whole body shuddered from the vibration. Nothing about his skin was soft when his hands moved along my legs, but everything about his touch was painstakingly gentle when he pushed my thighs further apart. He dragged his chin across my clit to look up at me another time and the stubble on his jaw raking across me seemed to arch my back for me in response.
“If that’s how you want to look at it,” he said.
“Take what I can get right now and run for it. I hear you loud and clear,” I said and tried with all my willpower to breathe through the master of torture sliding his tongue from my opening back up to my clit. He sucked my clit in between his lips and held onto it while he pulled his head back until I gasped. He pushed two fingers into me and added his thumb to my clit while he raised the rest of himself back up my body. I started grinding my hips, trying desperately to get him to start pumping with his fingers. But only his thumb moved back and forth lightly across my clit.
“I gave you the option to leave,” he said and kissed from one breast to the other. “You missed that chance, and I won’t be offering it again.”
His fingers were moving in and out the second that his mouth closed around my nipple. He didn’t stop until I was coming on his fingers. And then he shifted back down my body to lick every inch of me. His tongue was rolling against my clit the very second that my body stopped shaking from the first orgasm. I grabbed at his hair to try to pull him back up to give myself a break from the stimulation, but he managed to wrangle both wrists and hold my hands just beside my hips. No amount of squirming or writhing helped me when I couldn’t use one whole fucking leg. The son of a bitch kept at it until I was screaming and shaking another time. He was off of me completely a second later to get his pants off. My hands went to his hips once he’d lowered himself back down on top of me and oh-so-gently spread my legs another time. I shook my head.
“Wait,” I begged. “Please. I can’t go again.”
He lowered his mouth right to my ear while he pushed the tip into me.
“You can, baby,” he said and started thrusting slowly. “And you will.”