Page 57 of Break for Me

“What’d you do to him?” He asked.

The fear from just a minute ago was instantly replaced by a raging anger that nearly made my entire body implode. Of course he’d want to know what I did to end up in this position. He didn’t just ask what happened. He didn’t ask why I’d had to spend the last five years sprinting as fast and as far as I could. He asked what I did to make someone want to hunt me.

“You’re about to try to hit me again, aren’t you?” He asked when he noticed the shift in emotions on my face. “I would strongly advise you against such a move, Fancy Face.”

I put both my hands up on his chest and used every ounce of strength in my body to try to push him backward. He only moved by a grand total of one step. He smiled before he held open the left side of his jacket to slide the gun back into place under his arm. I took that chance to slap him as hard as I could right across his cheek.

“You’re a monster, Jersey. A fucking monster. You don’t know anything about me. Don’t know anything about what’s happened for me to end up here. And what’s worse is that you don’t even care to find out. Pluck some girl right out of her life to deliver her back to someone who will literally torture her just to listen to her scream before he kills her. Your only question is somehow what I did to him because you need to know how to preserve your own life until you get me back to Philly.”

He didn’t hear any of my words. He hadn’t moved at all since I slapped him, hadn’t even looked back at me.

Until he did move, and every part of his body somehow seemed to snap forward at the same time before I’d even had the chance to breathe. Like those creepy stop-motion movements in horror movies, where the demon is in one place across the room one second and then suddenly they appear right in front of you the next second as the lights flicker. He’d grabbed my neck and pulled me forward to shift both of our bodies so we were squished into this little space as tightly as we could be. Entirely too much of this dress was backless and the brick scraping against my spine was almost as painful as the pressure he was applying to my throat.

“I know everything about you, Triss. You’re a whole fucking tragedy wrapped up in this tiny, annoyingly perfect bundle of mayhem,” he hissed at me. “And I’ve never wanted anything quite like I want to find out if I can fuck the crazy out of you.”

Alright. So, maybe he did hear me.



What were we doing here?

I might’ve asked him if I could breathe. I started clawing at his hand and wrist.

“You’re — hurting — me,” finally came out in between desperate gasps for air.

“Yeah,” he said and smiled. “Yeah, baby. I am.”

He let me struggle and choke on my lack of air for what felt like another half hour before his fingers loosened just enough to keep me from dying. But it was probably only another few seconds in reality.

“You think you’re going to fuck me right here in an alley, Jersey?”

He laughed. “No. I’m going to drag you and all your daddy issues to that hotel before I use every one of them to my advantage.”

He shoved me out of that little alcove and into the alley before he picked up both bags.

“Daddy issues?” I asked, rubbing my neck. “You think I fucked you because I have daddy issues? I swear to God if you start calling me good girl thinking it’ll get you laid again, I’ll throw up everywhere right now.”

He grabbed my arm to pull me back toward the street with him.

“Only good girls get called good girl,” he said. “Bad girls end up in my handcuffs. They choke on my dick. Bad girls get fucked in every way imaginable until they beg me to stop. And then I fuck them a little harder.”

I wished so much that my insides hadn’t caught on fire from his words. But daddy issues or not, it sure as shit happened.

“Is that a good idea?” I asked. “The handcuffs didn’t work out so well for you the last time.”

Because I just wouldn’t be me if I didn’t try to make it worse for myself.

He stopped walking again and forced me to face him in the middle of the sidewalk, completely ignoring the throngs of people who cursed his sudden stop while they tried to avoid crashing into both of us.

“No?” He asked. The smile on his face was terribly discomforting. “I think you still ended up back in my possession. I think you ended up getting on your knees just because I told you to. I think you swallowed a mouthful of my cum just because I told you I might fuck you and let you enjoy it. What part of that didn’t work out so well for me?”

“Have you ever been nice to anyone? Even once in your life?” I asked.

He smiled again. “No.”

And I wanted to slap him again.