Page 114 of Into the Woods

“My smile?” His lips pulled up into a confused sort of grin that reminded me of the boy next door.

I shook my head. “Your smiles, plural.”

“I have more than one smile?”

“You have five smiles,” I replied. “One when you’re really happy. One when something makes you laugh. One when you see something cute, and one when you think no one’s looking.”

He stared at me and then swallowed. “That’s only four.”

“My favorite is the one I don’t see that much,” I admitted.

His head tilted, a soft smile forming on his lips as he studied me. It made his eyes sparkle in a way that caught my breath.

“That one,” I whispered, touching his lips. “That’s my favorite smile. It’s the one you get when you look at me. I’ve missed it.”

Understanding lit his eyes, and he pulled me against him, wrapping me up in a hug that I never, ever wanted to end.



The early morning sun slanted through my curtains. I blinked into consciousness, feeling utterly relaxed and content as I snuggled deeper under my sheets.

“Hey,” I murmured, spotting Court’s naked back across from me. He’d pulled on a loose pair of black gym shorts and seemed to be busy looking at the books on my shelves.

Oh, shit.

“Uh…” I pushed myself up on one arm, wrapping the sheets around my chest.

Court turned, and I wanted to fall through the bed when I spotted the book he was casually perusing.


He turned and gave me a look that would've disintegrated my underwear, if I’d had any on. The morning light framed him, casting a golden glow around his body. My mouth went dry as I looked over every inch of exposed, tanned skin.

“Becca, Becca,” he murmured, closing the book and giving me a knowing look. “I gotta say, princess, I’m shocked you’d bring these books into your grandparents’ home.”

Screw it. I loved my books, and I’d own that shit.

“That’s not even the kinkiest one,” I told him.

His dark eyes lit up. “Really?” He dragged the word out with a grin.

I nodded.

He put the book back on the shelf before coming over and sitting beside me. He pushed my hair back and leaned in to kiss my shoulder. “So you have a thing for… what the hell was I even reading?”

I lifted my chin. “Merri Bright. She’s freaking phenomenal. She writes omegaverse, but you were looking at her angel series.”

His brows shot up. “Those were angels? Jesus, no wonder the earth is so screwed. All the angels are too busy having massive orgies to bother helping us mere mortals.”

“Not how it works,” I retorted lightly with a little scowl. “But what’s wrong with an orgy?”

He gave me a look. “Baby, I’m gonna guess you’ve never actually seen an orgy.”

“And you have?” I winced at the way his eyes glittered. “Never mind. Don’t answer that. I heard the rumors.”

“Which?” He looked genuinely curious and innocent until I noticed the glint in his eyes.