“You and I both know friendship is a fairy tale sold to people who can’t afford to face the realities of life. Everything is a transaction, and the currency is information. Connections.” He gave me a wolfish smile that made my insides shiver.
“Eric, I’m not entirely sure what you’re getting at,” I admitted.
“Bex, I need to know if you feel the way that I do. That we could truly be something.” His expression was so earnest that I almost forgot what a psychopath he was.
I rolled my bottom lip between my teeth, considering how to respond. Unless I wanted to blow everything for the guys, I couldn’t shut him down outright. No, I had to play the damn game.
Besides, there was also the very uncomfortable reminder that his previous girlfriends hadn’t fared so well.
“Of course I want that,” I agreed.
A smile lit his face. “I was hoping you’d say that. I’d like you to attend the auction with me. Not just as my date, but as my partner.”
“P-partner?” I echoed.
He nodded. “Yes. With the people who will be in attendance, I think you and I presenting a united front will be just the push I need to get Westford to see me as someone to rely on.”
“Rely on.” It seemed all I was capable of was parroting his words back, but my brain was struggling to connect the dots.
“My company does well, but I want to expand. I’ve struggled to get an audience with Westford, and your connection to him is exactly the angle I’ve been looking for,” Eric explained, like the answer was so obvious. “Considering all the ports I have access to, it will be extremely lucrative for him and me to combine our reach.”
I couldn’t find words.
Grinning, he leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. “You and I will be unstoppable, don’t you agree?”
I nodded slowly. “Absolutely.” I could do this. I could fake being supportive for a few more days. “Have they finally decided on a location for the auction then?”
His shoulders straightened. “They have, and I’m happy to say they’ve taken my suggestions into account.”
“That’s great!” I gave a weak laugh. “Where will it be?”
He gave me an odd look. “Only members receive that information an hour prior to the event’s start.”
“Right. Of course,” I mumbled.
“Don’t worry, my love, you will be at my side when it happens. That’s why it’s so imperative I have you nearby,” he finished as the waiter approached.
“Good evening. My name is Jacques, and I’ll be serving you this evening,” he greeted with an ultra-white smile. With artfully arranged blond hair and sparkling brown eyes, he looked like a frat somewhere was missing a brother. “Would you like to hear the chef’s specials of the evening?”
I opened my mouth to reply, but Eric shut me down. “No. We’ll both have the beef Wellington. Bring a bottle of Cristal and a bottle of flat water. That will be all.” He flashed the waiter a hard look until he turned and left.
“Um,” I started, uncertain, “I can order for myself.”
“It’s more efficient this way,” Eric dismissed. “Besides, I enjoy taking care of you, and I plan to do so for the rest of our lives.”
Tiny alarm bells went off in the back of my head.
“Eric, I can take care of myself,” I said, trying to be careful with my tone and words. It felt like I was walking on eggshells laid over a minefield.
“But you won’t have to,” he replied with an indifferent shrug. “It’s convenient that you’ve already finished school. Such a clever girl.”
“I’m going back to California to go to college,” I told him.
“There’s no need. If you truly insist on continuing your education, I have connections at the Sorbonne, but with the amount of travel we’ll be doing—”
“What?” I couldn’t hold in the note of incredulity.
He shot me a confused look. “Darling, one of the many requirements of my job is that I travel and routinely inspect ports, warehouses, and more sensitive locations for various shipments. I prefer a hands-on approach to business, and since you’ll be at my side, attending a regular university will be impossible.”