Page 110 of Into the Woods

I nodded. “Thank you. Mémé’s party is in two days. I have to find a dress. I was going to ask Cami to go shopping with me tomorrow.”

“I’ll speak with Alex. Perhaps we can all go out to lunch? I’d love to see the dress you select.”

“Sure,” I replied, even though I hated the idea. But lunch with his brother and my cousin would give us a buffer.

He gave me another kiss that I barely returned before he withdrew and focused his attention on driving back to my house.

On the way home, I sat back and listened to him talk. He told me a bunch of details about himself and growing up that didn’t seem relevant to the auction, but I mentally filed them away just in case. Whenever he asked about me, I gently turned the conversation back to his favorite topic—himself.

How had I missed how self-absorbed he was?

By the time he pulled into my grandparents’ driveway, I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. I hadn’t had a chance to call Court before we’d left, so who knew what he was thinking by now? Probably the worst.

Eric parked the car and slid an arm around me, angling me toward him. “I’m so happy that you’re mine.”

Everything inside me rebelled at his statement. I wasn’t his. Never would be.

But I grinned. “I am. I’ll let you know where Cami and I decide to go shopping so you and Alex can meet us nearby.”

“Perfect.” He leaned in to kiss me, and I let it happen even as I felt nothing. How had I once been excited to have this guy’s lips on mine?

It made me want Court all the more. I missed the way he kissed me—like he couldn’t get enough. I felt safe with him. It just felt right.

Eric pinched my chin. “You’re distracted,” he accused.

“I’m sorry,” I replied instantly. “I’m so tired, and it’s been a lot of excitement for one day.”

He studied me carefully before letting me go with a thin smile. “Of course. You should go inside and rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” I echoed as I got out of the car. I smothered the urge to run to the front door, instead taking my time and pausing to blow a kiss at Eric before going in.

Once inside, I slumped against the door. The ticking of the clock in the hall was nearly drowned out by the sound of the blood rushing through my ears.

I’d done it. I’d survived.

I looked down and sighed.

I’d also gotten engaged.

The diamond sparkled in the overhead lights as the clock chimed, striking eleven o’clock. My grandparents were long asleep. If Mom was home, she probably was, too, which meant I was alone.

I hated it.

I opened the hall closet and noticed my suitcase was gone. One of the staff likely took it upstairs. I shrugged out of my coat and hung it up before locking up and heading for the large staircase.

Trudging up, I reviewed everything that had happened tonight.

Mémé’s birthday celebration was in two nights. The auction was slated to happen two nights after that.

So, in five nights’ time, I'd be back in Court’s arms.

Five more sleeps, my brain whispered, reminding me of when I was little and that was how I’d measured time. Exhaustion pulled at my bones. I needed a shower and to talk to Court before going to bed. And I needed to text Cami to find out if she was free to shop for dresses.

My bedroom was at the end of the hall, and I pushed it open with a yawn. After closing the door behind me, I kicked off my heels with a groan and hit the light switch, bathing the room in a soft yellow glow that illuminated the person on my bed.

I gasped as Court stood up, my eyes drinking him in even as I wondered if I was dreaming.

“Are you okay?” His voice was low, tight with concern.