A screech ripped me out of one of my favorite dreams. The beach-at-sunset scene faded into the stark, undecorated white walls of my bedroom. Instead of being buried in silky, dark hair with teal streaks, my hand was wrapped around my cock. I flinched, feeling the lack of lubricant as I still pumped my shaft, not willing to let go of the dream.
I cracked an eye open to another scream, followed by a flailing hand slapping my chest.
“The fuck?” I muttered, barely able to form a coherent thought because… fuck me. How much had I drunk last night?
“What the hell is that?” a nasally female voice trilled from beside me, its tone high enough to crack glass.
“I’m Cori,” a soft, confused voice murmured. “I—”
“Get out!” the woman beside me shouted, sounding damn close to hysterical.
Awareness flashed through my subconscious. I went from sleepy to wide-motherfucking-awake in less than a second. I sat up, grateful that my still-hard dick was covered by the pool of sheets in my lap. I gaped at the girl hovering by the door, her blue eyes wide. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a braid, and she clutched a stuffed dog to her chest.
“Cori,” I breathed, horrified, “what are you doing in here?”
“We’re supposed to go fishing,” she whispered, gaze dropping and lip trembling. Her hair was done in two braids that had been secured with red elastic hair ties complete with glittery hearts that matched her shirt. Valentine’s Day was still six days away, but Cori embraced every holiday with the enthusiasm of, well, a little girl.
“Oh, my God! Get her the hell out of here.” My bedmate was still acting like this tiny human was a freaking ghost or some shit.
And I was over it.
Whirling, I glared, leveling all the hate and fury at her that I could. Judging by the way she paled and scrambled to put space between us on the king-size bed, the expression worked.
“Shut the fuck up,” I rumbled, keeping my voice low so Cori wouldn’t hear.
The woman, a bleached blonde with flat brown eyes and full lips, gaped at me. “Court.” Her voice softened, placating, as she reached out and laid a hand flat against my bare chest.
Only Corinne’s presence kept me from shoving her ass off the bed. What the fuck had I been thinking?
More like I hadn’t been thinking.
I’d been wasted—again.
Hooked up with a random woman—again.
And Corinne had walked in on it because… Ah, hell. I vaguely remembered my best friend’s little sister asking if, the next time she came to visit, my oldest brother, Royal, and I would take her fishing.
I twisted away from the woman and looked at Cori, forcing myself to take a breath. “Cor, I…”
“Forgot,” she practically whimpered, and I felt like such an asshole.
“No,” I lied, trying to think of any acceptable excuse. “I just… I didn’t set my alarm. Why don’t you meet me downstairs—”
A shadow appeared behind Cori a second before a familiar face came into view. I bit back a curse as Maddie stopped behind Corinne.
A myriad of expressions played out across her face—shock, concern, and then rage. Her hands shook a little as she settled them on Cori’s shoulders. “Hey, sweet girl. Royal and Rook just showed up.”
The little girl beamed. “Rook came to see me, too?”
Cori hadn’t seen my other brother since he’d been discharged from the SEALs a few weeks earlier.
Grinning down at her, Maddie gently tucked a lock of loose hair behind her ear. “He sure did. Why don’t you go see them? Court will be down in a few minutes.”
Cori instantly brightened. “Okay!” She whirled and raced around Maddie, her footsteps thundering down the stairs seconds later.