Page 84 of Nigel

The tears came. Theyjust rolled down her cheeks unchecked.

"Hormones?"he teased, as he used the pad of his thumb to wipe them.

"Yes." Hervoice was hoarse, her body vibrating with emotions. "Absolutely.I don't have the words like you do. But I know that there is nothingI would not do for you. You came into my life when I had all butgiven up on having anything like this and you changed it. And tothink that I almost blew it."

"But you didn't.Thank Christ for that. And if you had refused to see me, to come backto me, I would have come running to look for you and beg you if thatwas what it takes." His hands lifted to cup her cheeks. "Iwas not about to let you get away from me. You are the best thingthat has ever happened to me."

She leaned in, herarms came up to wrap around his neck as she took her lips in a kissthat rocked his very foundation.

And then they slept,wrapped up in each other's arms, they simply went under, legs tangledtogether and bodies pressed up against each other. She fell asleepwith his heartbeat pulsing against her flesh and the assurance thatshe was loved completely.


“Your bloodpressure is high.” Dr. Jackie Barnes told her with a littlefrown.

“What’swrong? I am sure that a little high did not put that frown on yourface.” Ava was gripping her husband’s hand.

“What is it?”Nigel demanded.

“I might bewrong.” The sturdy black woman with the cropped dark hair,shook her head.

“I need to do amore thorough examination.”

“To determinewhat precisely?” He held his breath and tried not to allow hisworry to transfer to his wife.

“Any twins inthe family?” the doctor asked cheerfully as she looped thestethoscope around her neck.

“No. I-“

“My dad andaunt Eloise.” A fleeting smile touched his lips as he glancedat Ava. “I guess I forgot to mention it.”

“I am havingtwins?” Ava looked at the doctor in amazement. “We arehaving two babies?”

“I am going todo a second check, but I am certain I just detected two heartbeats.”

“What will thatmean?” Nigel asked.

“Specialmonitoring. But you are in perfectly good health and we are notexpecting any problems. You are three months in now and the nausea issurprisingly minimal. Your ankles are a little swollen, but that canbe taken care of by simply putting your feet up.”

“Will I have tostop working?” Ava was practically numb.

“Not right now.But I suspect that will have to be the case when you touch yoursecond trimester.”

“Will we haveto-“ Nigel cleared his throat. “We have been prettyactive in the bedroom. I don’t want to do anything tojeopardize-“

“Continue asyou are.” The woman gave him a reassuring smile. “Thatkind of activity can only help. I would recommend plenty of walks.The weather is fair right now and some days are unseasonably warm forthe fall. Some light exercise is recommended.”



He drove them back tothe house instead of her office. They were both silent, each lost intheir thoughts. He was wondering if it was too much for her and ifshe was beginning to regret the marriage.

He knew she lovedhim; she had proven that much in the two months they had beenmarried. They had not decided what to do about their livingarrangements yet and had been dividing spending time between herplace and his.

Switching off theengine, he turned to her as she opened her eyes. “We are here,”he murmured unnecessarily.

“Yes. I am-“