Page 77 of Nigel

“Thanks.”She pressed a hand to her stomach. “I might be pregnant?”

“I have astrong feeling you are,” Dahlia murmured with a grin. “Howabout some tea?”

Ava wrinkled her nose. “I hate tea.”

“So do I, buthey, nothing works better. And I could use some myself. When is yourman coming back?”

“Tomorrow.”She sat back down and stared at her wedding book. There was still somuch to do. They were having it here, outside by the pool. It wasgoing to be an informal deal, something they had both agreed on.

The caterer wasdealing with the food and there was going to be a live band playingthe entire time. She had mentioned it and the darling man was makingit happen.

Lionel was going togive her away and her other two brothers were going to be part of thewedding party, along with Michael and Chloe. Bradley Wellington wasbest man and Leesa was her maid of honor.

She had met them afew weeks ago and was already friends with them. Several of the otherwives and their husbands were part and parcel of the wedding and shewanted everything to be perfect.

It struck her fullythat she was marrying a man of immense means, who belonged to asociety she had only read about and had previously despised.

She started to rubher stomach in wonder. And realized that she needed her man. She feltweepy and definitely needy and she would rather be spending the nightwith him. She started to reach for the phone and pulled her handaway. He had business to conduct and he had interrupted that twicewhen she needed him.

She looked up whenDahlia came in with a tray. “Tea and saltines. I think they arestale, but it will work.” She placed the tray in the middle ofthe table and handed Ava a cup.

They were about toget started when Maria came hurrying in.

“I bought threedifferent types.” She was breathless, her face red withexertion. “Go and pee on them and let them set. This is just aformality, I think. Go.”

“Okay, I amgoing.”

An hour later, allthree tests confirmed the results.

“Oh my God! Iam pregnant!” Tugging at the other two women’s hands, shedanced a jig. “I feel lousy, but who the hell cares? I ampregnant.”

“Want Kyle tocheck it out and make it official?”

Ava gave Dahlia agimlet stare. “He is my damn brother. No way am I going to havehim looking at my coochie.”

“Coochie?”Dahlia snorted. “Girl what are you? Twelve?”

“My veegee,whatever.” She grinned like an idiot. “I am pregnant andgetting married in two weeks. Oh God!”

“What now?”Maria asked impatiently.

“I am going toswell up and the dress, that stupendously beautiful dress is notgoing to fit.”

“Stop! In thename of all that’s holy, just stop. You will not start showingin two weeks. The dress will fit. You are getting on my damn nerves,”Dahlia told her in a huff. “Now settle down and let’sfinish your damn list.”


She was fast asleepwhen she felt someone easing into bed next to her.

“It’sme.” His familiar deep voice whispered in her ear. “I didnot want to get you up and you did give me the code for the alarm. Idecided to come back earlier.”

She went still for aminute before turning around. Her eyes latched onto his beloved faceand to his shocked surprise, burst out crying.

“Darling, whatthe hell is it?”

“Nothing.”She clung to him; face buried in his throat. “I am so happy youare back. Oh Nigel, I missed you so much.”

He kissed her wetcheeks, hands framing her face. “It was like you were reachingout to me. I felt the incredible need to come back tonight.”