“What did youhave to be angry about?” she wondered aloud. “You had allthat money.”
“And money isnot everything,” he rebuked her gently. “I wanted my dadand could not understand why he was not around.”
“Poor littlerich kid,” she said teasingly.
She gasped when hepushed her back against the pillows he had brought along with theblanket.
“We arecompletely private,” he murmured as he started taking off theshirt she had donned to come outdoors.
“And I reallyneed to feel the sun on my skin.”
“An excellentsource of Vitamin D.”
“You got it.”She tugged off his t-shirt and tossed it on a shrub. Her handswandered up and down his chest slowly. “Very impressive.”
“I live toplease.” His hand parted her thigh to cup her sex. “Itfeels like you are ready.”
“Aren’t Ialways?” she asked him archly, sighing with pleasure as heentered her.
“Definitelyready,” he whispered against her mouth.
He left her brieflyto go and take a conference call and she spent the time coming upwith a cold meal for them. The day had drifted by so quickly that shecould not believe it was late afternoon. They had spent some hoursmaking love with the sun dappling their skin and falling asleep underthe shade of the oak tree, completely naked.
That was somethingshe had never done before and she loved it.
Then they had comeback in to take a shower, which had led to other things.
Now she was in hispristine kitchen making a salad.
“I thought youdid not know how to cook.”
She looked up fromher chopping to see him framed inside the doorway. He had on a blackt-shirt that was molded to his chest and his sable brown hair wasdelightfully tousled. The faded denims he had dragged on were ridinga little down his waist and he was not wearing shoes.
“I am notcooking. I am chopping. Make yourself useful and slice the loaf.”
“Wecould have gone out for a meal,” he murmured as he joined herat the counter.
“Because wedecided to stay in. Nigel, stop.”
He was nuzzling herneck. “You smell like strawberries.”
“Your veryexpensive body wash. You are going to make me cut my fingers.”
He solved theproblem, by taking away the knife from her and turning her around.
“The day isalmost over.”
“I am aware.”
“I don’twant to waste a minute of it.”
“We will haveother days.”
His hands weremassaging her shoulders. “I have to go away tomorrow for a fewdays.”