"You said theguy is not usually there," he pointed out.
"No. He was athome because he was not feeling well. Some twenty-four-hour bug."
"You filled infor Jane, you said?"
She nodded with asigh. "She has never complained about the job. The only thingshe would do is rhapsodize about the place and the fact that therewas not too much to do there."
"Has he called?"
"Why would he dothat?" she demanded. "Like I said, he only knows my firstname and nothing else."
"So, you thinkthat's it? He won't try and find you?"
"I am not histype. It must have been as a result of the sickness, a moment oftemporary insanity. Or the fever going to his head." She pushedaway from the desk and went to grab a bottle of water. She should eatsomething but was too agitated and her stomach was jittery. "Icompromised my position as an employer."
She eased the corkopen and screwed it back on as if undecided what to do with it. "Idon't know how to deal with it. My natural instinct is to say to hellwith it - it happened and I should just move on. Forget about it."
With a sigh, shewalked back, but made a detour from her desk to take a chair next tohim. "It happened and it's still fresh in my mind. And I don'tknow what he is going to do."
Kyle had finished hiswater, putting away the empty container, he reached for hers. "Doyou like the guy?"
The question startledher and for a few seconds, she could not respond. She had beenstruggling with it ever since she was on her way and even when shewas supposed to be working. "I suppose."
"And you said hewanted to take you out on a date?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Why not go forit?"
She stared at him asif he had lost his mind.
"He is Uberrich."
"And?" Histhick brows shot up as he sipped the water.
"You know how Ifeel about that."
"You hate richpeople because of what happened to mama." He sighed and shookhis head. "I deal with a lot of them myself and they are not allbad."
"There is no wayI am getting involved with a guy like that."
"Is he ugly?"
"And he wants tohave sex with you."
"I am not sure Ishould be discussing my sex life with you."
"What sex life?"He snorted.
"Okay, lackthereof."
"It might begood for you."
"We are donediscussing the subject of my indiscretion and utter carelessness.What's done is done and I am going to put it behind me."