Tears well up in my eyes at his words. He seems to know my deepest, most hidden desires. How long have I wanted to be seen? To be cherished, surrounded by people who truly care about me? Not for what I can do for them or bring to them, but simply because I’m me, and I’m enough.
“Raven—” I croak and reach up to twine my arms around him.
He lifts me effortlessly, and I kiss him with every fiber in me, with every part of my heart that he’s claimed. A fire sparks between us, and I want it to keep burning. I want this, him, forever. Not because of what he does for me or his kindness and generosity, but simply because of who he is.
I can’t imagine not seeing his face one day, not hearing his laugh. I love how his nose scrunches when he’s concentrating on something, the way he blushes and fidgets when he’s shy, his warmth, even the sound of his footsteps or the flaps of his wings.
If I could, I’d go back in time. I’d fight harder to hold onto who I was, so I could be a better partner for him. I’d do everything I could to find him. I’d spend every second of my life with him so he’d never be alone. I’d make sure he experienced every type of happiness and joy. I would redo my whole life for him, I would relive my whole life for him.
He’s my blessing, my guiding light. He deserves the world—and so help me, I’m going to give it to him.
* * *
“What would you like to do today?” Raven says as he wraps a towel around his waist.
My eyes roam over his body. If I hadn’t spent so much time planning out today, I would have responded with, “You.” But I restrain myself and say, “I’d like to go on a date.”
Raven tilts his head and I giggle at his confusion.
He smiles and gives me a gentle kiss. “A date then. Is there anywhere specific you’d like to go?”
“Everything’s already taken care of. We have an 8 p.m. reservation.”
Raven raises an eyebrow. “Why do I feel like you’re scheming something, little star?”
I giggle. “Because you know me far too well.”
* * *
I put on the dress Fallon and I picked out and gasp at myself in the mirror. I told her I wanted something that would make me feel sexy, seductive, and powerful, and this dress does all of that and more. The sheer material wraps around my neck like a collar, leading to the black sweetheart neckline that hugs my breasts perfectly. The dress flows down to my ankles, with two slits running all the way up my thighs. And I know I made the right decision the moment Raven looks at me with a glint in his eye.
He pulls me into his arms, but I put my finger on his lips right before he kisses me. “No. We have a reservation.”
“It can wait,” he says, bending to kiss me again.
I pull back from him. “Dinner first. You can take this off afterward.”
He pouts playfully, even as his tail thumps behind him in joy.
Dinner is incredible, but nothing is better than Raven’s company. I would have never thought my life would end up this way, that I could be so happy, feel so cherished. I hoped for it for so long, and now that I have this love, I’ll never let it go. Raven’s mine and I’m his, and tonight I will show him that.
When Raven pulls into the long private road to our home, I put my hand on his knee. “Stop here.”
“Please, there’s something I want to give you.”
Raven watches me for a moment, then puts the car in park. I open my door and he follows me to the front of the car.
“Do you know what primal play is?” I ask him, clasping my hands hard to try and steady myself.
“No.” Raven takes my hands and kisses each finger, and I know he can sense my nervousness.
“It’s a sexual activity. You would be the hunter, and I would be your prey.”
The words are barely out of my mouth when Raven’s eyes flash to a color I’ve never seen before, a bright, glowing white. It’s so quick that I almost think I’ve imagined it, until he growls, “Cassandra—”
“Chase me,” I whisper. “Chase me. Hunt me. I want you to. You always hold back. You’re always so worried about hurting me, but you won’t, even if you lose control.” I cup his cheek, caress his skin, and he nuzzles my hand.