Sasha sighed, and the fight drained out of her eyes. “Because Calen has been half in love with you since high school. Best friends,” she added in ayeah-rightmumble.

Both Emmy and he issued some denials, but Sasha had quit listening. She took hold of Tate’s arm, and they walked out, leaving Emmy and Calen standing there to deal with what she’d just said.

Calen muttered another denial, shook his head, and would have said something he might have ended up regretting because either way he went with this, it could come back to bite him in the ass. Thankfully, he didn’t have to say anything else because his phone dinged again. Of course, it’d been doing that most of the night, but now seemed like a goodtime to check.

“Is there a problem with Nessa?” Emmy immediately asked.

Calen shook his head and showed her the screen. Finally, he could start wrapping up some of the chaos Waylon had started.

Because the postmaster had agreed to allow the undelivered mail to be handed out at the post office today.

Chapter 8

Emmy figured she had to be functioning on some previously unknown supply of energy because here she was at the hospital at eight in the morning when she’d gotten no sleep.

Oh, she’d gone to bed all right after Calen had driven her back to her house. He’d walked with her to her door, given her a long good-night kiss and the assurance he’d call after he’d finished setting up the mail delivery. But she hadn’t managed even a catnap because there’d been way too much going on in her head. Too much going on in her body too.

She still had a buzz from the sex with Calen. Amazing sex. Amazing enough to become the benchmark for all future sex. And she didn’t believe it’d been lip service when Calen had kissed her good night so he could go to work. Still, his quick departure had left her feeling that too many things had been left unfinished.

Too many things left unsaid between them.

Emmy thought of what Sasha had said about Calen being half in love with her, but Calen had neither confirmed nor dismissed it. In fact, he’d seemed relieved to be able to drop the subject because of the text he’d gotten about the mail. And it was his nonanswer that spoke so loudly. He wasn’t ready for anything involving the L-word. And why should he be? They’d been on one date. One incredible date but still just one. All those times they’d hung out and been there for each other didn’t count.

Did they?

Mercy, Emmy wanted them to count, but she knew the last thing she should do was try to speed things along. She just had to accept that their friendship was more important than their romance. Even if it felt as if they were nowmixed into one.

Shoving that thought aside, Emmy gathered her purse and gift bag and got out of her car so she could go into the hospital. It had quit snowing, and the sun was out, making everything look as if it’d been dusted with a magic fairy wand. She’d always thought Christmas Creek was a wonderful place, but today it was picture perfect.

Emmy threaded her way through the halls to the room number that Nessa had texted her earlier. She tapped on the door, got a quick “Come in.” But when she stepped into the room,she saw Calen.

Her heart skippeda beat or two.

It just wasn’t fair for someone to look that amazingly hot with sleepy bedroom eyes and sexy stubble that had gone past the five-o’clock shadow stage.

“Emmy,”Nessa greeted.

Calen’s sister was sitting up in bed, eating takeout from Frosty’s diner while the baby slept in a bassinet next to her bed. Nessa had gotten a room with a window, a huge one that overlooked a small park dotted with snow-covered Christmas trees.

Emmy gave Nessa a hug and smiled down at the baby before she handed Nessa the gift bag. “It’s books for both thebaby and you.”

“Eve,” Nessa supplied. “That’s what I decided to name her. Eve Elizabeth Bozeman, since Elizabeth was my grandmother’s name.”

It fit. So did the easy vibe in the room. Emmy tried to keep the vibe going by smiling at Calen, but it was impossible to hide anything from the man who knew her so well. That meant he saw every ounce of worry in her eyes. Not regret. Not one bit of that. But worry that things would truly be different between them. Or that they wouldn’t be different at all.

“Oh, thank you,” Nessa gushed, going through the books. She plucked out one of the baby board books and began showing it to Eve.

The baby opened her eyes and looked at the pages. Maybe. Emmy was going to choose to believe she was doing exactly that.

“So, when are you being discharged?” Emmy asked.

Nessa sighed a little. “Not until the day after tomorrow.”

Which meant Eve and she would be here in the hospital for Christmas. Emmy thought she could do something to make that alittle better.

“Instead of Christmas dinner at my house, I’ll just bring it here,” Emmy said. Nessa opened her mouth, no doubt to say it was too much of a bother or something similar, but Emmy put a stop to that. “Glazed ham, roasted potatoes, green beans, and homemade rolls. Better than hospital food,” she added. “It’ll be nice to have the meal here with you and Eve.”

Nessa searched her eyes as if looking for any sign that Emmy wasn’t totally on board for this. There wasn’t any because she was as on board as could be.