Page 16 of Towering Contract

Then I made a fool of myself and ruined everything.

To this day, I can still hear the horror in Flynn’s shout. The rest of what happened after that is splotchy. I recall Flynn lifting me out of the water and then the red and blue lights. There was more shouting, but what I remember more than anything was clinging to Flynn and not wanting to let go. He pleaded for me to release him. Then he was gone.

Deciding that I can’t sit here thinking about the horrible night that changed everything, I get off the bed and go in search of Flynn. I’ve felt the loss of him for far too long, and I don’t want to feel it a second longer.

Pausing at the top of the stairs I peer down and see a man in a suit standing in the entryway. It takes me a second to recognize Flynn’s father because I can’t recall the last time I saw him.

“Zelly Prince? Is that you?” he calls out, and Flynn's head jerks back.

When my eyes meet his father’s, there is a coldness to them.

“Hi, Mr. Evermore.” I start to come down the stairs, but Flynn’s voice stops me.

“I thought I told you to stay put.” There is an edge in his tone, and I wonder if he’s embarrassed that his father found me here.

“Call me Richard. It’s been a while.” He gives me a smile that doesn’t meet his cold, dark eyes.

“Time to go.” Flynn tries to push his father out, but Richard doesn’t budge.

“Let me say hi to the lovely Zelly.”

I’m unsure of what to do so I hesitate before coming down.

“You’ve really taken after your mother,” Richard continues.

“Thanks.” I start to descend thinking that maybe I can smooth this over.

“Does she know you’re here?” he asks, and I suddenly feel like a kid caught sneaking out.

“That’s none of your business,” Flynn grits through his teeth.

“I believe Zelly is getting married soon.” Richard grins and gives me a knowing wink.

Warmth fills my cheeks because he must think Flynn and I here are doing things we’re not supposed to. I mean, I guess we are, according to my mother.

“Yeah, I know.” Flynn grips the door, and I can see his knuckles turning white.

Richard ignores Flynn and addresses me. “I heard Ray Sterling mention you and his son.”

“All the Sterlings are dumbasses.” Flynn shakes his head.

“No one has been chosen, but my mom and brother are working on it.” It’s strange to think people are talking about me in such a way. Getting married feels so intimate, but that might have to do with me knowing what will come after I say I do.

“I know Flynn’s not in the race.” Richard smirks at his son. “Janet wouldn’t allow that.”

“You’re fucking done.” Flynn steps in front of his father, who managed to make it a few feet into the house.

“What do you mean he’s not in the race?” I ask. My mom has always been so vague about why she isn’t a fan of Flynn, and I never understood it.

“Besides his temper? I would imagine the bridge.” I’m about to ask what temper, but I don’t get the chance because Flynn slams his fist right into his father’s jaw.

“Oh my god!” I gasp.

Richard stumbles backwards, and I think he’s going to fall, but he barely manages to stay on his feet. Thank goodness the wall is behind him to hold him up.

“Get out,” Flynn growls, and it sends a chill up my spine.

There’s always been a touch of darkness to Flynn even though he never showed it to me.