Page 17 of Dark Knight

“Got a lot of time to lift, bro?” Dex flexes his bicep while staring at my arm. “Shit. I need to follow whatever regime you’re doing.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You both look good.” Better than the scrawny kids they were back in the day, that’s for sure. Their jeans and heavy-soled boots have seen better days. Still, they’re in good shape. I have to stop myself once I realize I’m sizing them up the way I size up all newcomers. What can I say, once a work habit, always a work habit.

Tatum offers a snide laugh as she stirs pasta in the boiling water. “Please, don’t inflate his head any more than it is.”

“Are you sure you guys want to stay for dinner?” I counter. “I know it’s only boiling pasta and heating up sauce, but you might be taking your life into your own hands.” I feel her eyes burning into the side of my head as I take the guys’ fleece-lined denim jackets. She wants to be a snide little bitch? Be my guest, but I won’t stand here and take it just because we have company.

“So, for real. Where have you been all this time? You just… disappeared.“

Dex straddles a chair at the round table, folding his arms over the back. Are we really the same age? Or do I look ten years older than I think I do? The difference between the face I see in the mirror every day and the one looking up at me now is startling. The lamp over the table shines on the sharp angles in his slightly sunken cheeks. Stress lines are in the space between his eyebrows and the corners of his eyes. They don’t smooth out when he smiles. He works outside, I surmise, in the wind and sun. I’ve lived a soft life compared to both of them.

Of all the things I tried to prepare for prior to making this trip, I didn’t think to prepare for this. I was kidding myself, thinking nobody would remember me, that nobody would be around after all this time. That I wouldn’t have to face the way my life diverged from theirs or consider where I could’ve ended up.

Rather than come up with an answer, I jerk a thumb toward the fridge. “Want anything to drink? I have some beer in there.”

“I’ll take one.“ Austin takes a seat, sitting back with his arms folded. It’s obvious he hasn’t slowed down with the partying he was infamous for when we were kids–his face is puffy the way a drinker’s tends to be, for one thing. And at some point, he was on the losing end of a knife that left a scar zig-zagging across his cheek. It seems we’ve all lived complicated lives. I was already grateful for everything Callum did for me, yet that gratitude has grown in the last few minutes since these two showed up.

“I ended up going to work for a family,“ I explain with my head in the fridge. “Sort of an internship.“

The looks of utter confusion — and possibly disbelief — when I emerge with beers in hand don’t surprise me. “An internship?” Dex asks. “Since when were you trying to get an internship anywhere?“ At least Tatum keeps her mouth shut, too busy trying to find a saucepan to add her two cents.

“I don’t truly know the specifics, and I didn’t ask. It’s something my mom put together.“

“Oh, yeah, she always wanted to get you out of here.“

Austin’s offhand remark makes my hackles rise. I know Tatum’s listening hard over there, and I would appreciate her not knowing things she has no business knowing.

“What about you guys?“ I counter. Anything so long as they’re not asking for details on me.

“Same.“ Dex can’t keep a straight face, breaking out in one of his familiar laughs before he lifts his bottle in my direction. “Welcome home. We missed you.”

“Is it for good?” Austin asks before taking a long swig from his bottle.

I settle for shrugging. “What are you guys doing? For a living, I mean.”

Dex flexes one of his chapped hands. “We both work in construction. It’s been good lately, the past couple of years. Lots of new buildings, plus rehabbing the old houses.”

Shit.Even Tatum glances over her shoulder, arching an eyebrow when her eyes meet mine. She knows what I’m thinking. Her father inadvertently scored jobs for my old friends. I wonder what they’d think if I told them.

“I’ve noticed a lot of improvements around here,“ I murmur, shooting her another look.Keep your mouth shut.They’re practically strangers, both of them, and they don’t need to know where my life has taken me. There would be too many questions I have no way of answering.

“Sure, and there’s a lot more in the pipeline. We’re looking at steady work for at least the next couple of years, if not more.”

“Sorry to interrupt,“ Tatum interjects, turning away from the stove with a wooden spoon in hand. “Could I get some help with setting the table?”

I can see through the question. “Sure.” Once at the counter, reaching into the cabinet, I lean into her ear and whisper, “Not. A. Word.”

“I wasn’t going to say anything. Jesus.” Raising her voice, she asks, “Do you guys want salad? I think we have some lettuce and veggies in the fridge.” Look at her, the little hostess. If she wasn’t doing this to get a rise out of me, I might take it as a sign that she’s progressing.

As it turns out, the lettuce that’s been here since before we arrived isn’t looking edible. “We need to get out to the store,” I point out with a sigh. “Sorry, guys.”

“Whatever. I hate vegetables, anyway. I just wasn’t trying to be rude.” When Tatum grins over her shoulder at Austin, he grins back, then focuses on her when she turns back to the stove. Anybody could read the meaning behind his stare from a mile away.

There goes my blood pressure. “I don’t see any rings on your hands,” I point out while setting out plates. Time to start gathering info if these two think they’re going to hang around here and stare at her ass all night.

Dex manages to stop choking on his beer before answering. “Rings? Right. Seeing as I had such a great example of a wonderful marriage growing up.”

“Your ring finger is empty, too, man.” Austin nods toward Tatum’s back, full of questions. I lower my brow, snickering, and instantly regret it since his eyes light up like I gave him the go-ahead.Fuck.She is the last woman he or anybody else needs to get involved with.