He winked at me and then hand in hand, we strolled through the lobby, straight towards the Bitches of Eastwick.

Alejandro squeezed my hand and I felt a renewed confidence. Our marriage might be a sham, but they would never know that. And no matter what this thing was between Alejandro and I, it was me who made his eyes roll back in his head every night. It was my name he groaned when he was on the brink of losing control.

‘Good morning, ladies,’ he said as we approached them.

‘Morning Alejandro,’ they purred as they batted their eyelashes at him.

I felt a prickle of annoyance that he was even giving these women the time of the day, but then I remembered that this was his hotel, and everything here was always about business. He pulled me closer to him, sliding his arm around my waist.

‘Any nice plans for the day?’ he asked them.

‘We’ll probably hit the beach and then we have a shoot at four,’ Keira answered. ‘How about you?’

‘Us? Well, my beautiful wife wants to go take a drive down the coast.’


‘But, to be honest, I doubt we’ll leave the house once we get home, because I can hardly keep my fucking hands off her,’ he said as he looked at me and winked.

I suppressed a laugh as they stood there with pure envy in their eyes.

‘Enjoy your day at the beach, ladies,’ I said with a smile and then I strolled out of the hotel with the King of L.A’s hand on my ass.

‘Thank you for that,’ I said when we stepped outside into the sunshine.

‘Any time, princess,’ he replied with a smile and then he pulled me into his arms and kissed me, slipping his tongue into my mouth and making my knees tremble.

I almost squealed with joy when he finally let me up for air and I saw Keira and Michaela watching us with their mouths hanging open.


Jax looked up at me with a huge grin on his face. ‘I’ve missed this, amigo,’ he said as he hoisted the unconscious man up from the floor and sat him on the chair in front of me.

‘You’re fucking loco, amigo,’ I said with a smile and a shake of my head. We had been in Chicago for two days dealing with this prick right here and I couldn’t wait to get home.

I looked down at Richie Burnett. I had always hated this prick. I had always known he wasn’t to be trusted, but he had worked for my Uncle Phillipe for years, and I’d been prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt for my uncle’s sake.

But, I had kept my eye on him, and had been proven right when I had caught him stealing from us, creaming an extra cut of the profit for himself every time he made a deal on my family’s behalf — as if we didn’t pay him enough. Greedy motherfucker!

I slapped Richie hard across the face and he groaned as his eyes flickered opened. He looked up at me. ‘Hijo de puta!’ he spat.

I looked at Jax who shook his head and laughed quietly. ‘Can you believe this piece of shit?’

‘Nope,’ Jax replied.

‘You still with us, mal nacido?’ I snarled.

He attempted to swing his arm at me, obviously forgetting that I had dislocated his shoulder a few hours before. He’d endured so much pain that he no longer knew what he could feel or where it was coming from.

‘Argh!’ he cried out and winced as he slumped back against the chair.

I picked up the knife from the table beside me and held it up so that the metal blade caught the light of the overhead bulb, ensuring that Richie knew exactly what was coming next. We had made him watch two days earlier while his most loyal employees, and fellow thieves, had their tongues cut out before being shot in the head. He had known there wasn’t a chance in hell he would be getting off so easily. Their bodies had been disposed of quickly and cleanly, and we had appointed a new head of our Chicago operations – Neo Lopez. Neo was young and ambitious, but he respected the order of things and I liked that about him.

Richie sat on the chair, blood congealing on every part of his body. His grey hair was so matted with dried blood that it looked black. He had been in this room for over forty-eight hours.

I had to admit I was impressed with how much he’d been able to take. I had learned the fine art of torture and the ability to inflict exactly the right amount of pain to keep a man alive whilst making him beg for death, at a young age. But, now Richie was close to the end. He was constantly slipping into unconsciousness. His body was broken, burned and bruised beyond recognition. But, Richie was a message. A message that nobody stole from the Montoyas.

I lifted his head and held the blade to his neck. ‘Fuck you, Richie!’ I spat as I slit his throat open and watched as the last drops of life drained from him.