‘I know,’ the other one replied. ‘I saw her in that magazine article and thought they must have caught her at a bad angle, but nope — she’s just fat,’ she said and the two of them burst out laughing.

I choked down a sob, not wanting to alert either of them to the fact that I was there.

‘He is sooo out of her league. Have you seen how she’s squeezed herself into that ridiculous dress? What the hell was he thinking?’

More laughter.

‘Oh, honey, it won’t last. She’s clearly not his type. Do you think he likes to do all of that freaky stuff with her?’

‘God, no! Could you imagine her? I bet she’s a strictly missionary with the lights off kind of girl,’ they shrieked with laughter.

‘I’m sure he’ll be looking for extra-marital fun soon enough,’ one of them cackled. ‘Maybe we can persuade him to send her home early tonight and remind him just what he’s missing?’

They carried on talking about me as they left the powder room and I felt the salty tears running down my cheeks. I wiped them away with the back of my hand and took a deep breath.

What a pair of bitches!

Alejandro had fulfilled his role for the evening. Perhaps I would ask him if we could leave — together? Suddenly, the night wasn’t so much fun and I wanted to change out of my dress and into my comfy sweats.

I fixed my make-up in the mirror and then with my head held high, I walked out of the restroom. I was making my way back over to our table when I saw them with him — draped over him while they all laughed.

Were they laughing at me?

I looked at the three of them and the realization that I didn’t belong here hit me like a punch to the stomach. Kiera and Michaela looked like they belonged here. They looked like they belonged on his arm.

I looked down at my ample breasts straining to break out of my dress and realized I must have looked like a complete fool.

I felt the tears threatening again and I turned and fled to the elevators. I’d sneak out through the service entrance and catch a cab home. Alejandro could have his blonde goddesses and leave me the hell alone.

The elevator stopped at the underground entrance and as the doors opened, I was greeted by one of Alejandro’s guards, Jose.

‘Good evening, Mrs. Montoya,’ he said with a smile. ‘I’m afraid I can’t let you leave just yet.’

‘Why the hell not?’ I sniffed.

‘Because Mr. Montoya has asked me to escort you to his suite.’

‘What?’ I snapped. I’d only left two minutes ago. How the hell did he even know I was gone?

‘If you’ll step back inside, I’ll take you there now.’

‘No, I’m leaving,’ I said as I tried to push my way past him.

‘I’m afraid you can’t do that.’

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him. ‘What are you going to do? Carry me up there? I’m pretty sure your boss wouldn’t be very happy if you manhandle his property?’

‘I’m sure he wouldn’t, ma’am. But he’d be even more unhappy if I let you leave here and don’t escort you to his suite. So, I’ll take my chances,’ he said with a shrug.

I stared at him. He was serious. ‘Please, Jose, I just want to go home.’

He looked down at the floor and shook his head and then looked up at me again. ‘I can’t.’

‘Fine,’ I snapped as I walked back into the elevator.

Jose accompanied me to the top floor and let me into Alejandro’s suite.

‘Goodnight, Mrs. Montoya,’ he said as he closed the door behind him.