Then she leaned back against the pillows and closed her eyes while I undressed.

Once I was naked, I slipped under the covers and she rolled to face me, nestling herself against my body. I bit my lip in frustration. This woman was going to fucking kill me!

‘Are you going to fuck me, Alejandro?’ she half purred, half slurred.

‘No. Pero quiero comerte el coño,’ I groaned.

Shit! I assumed she didn’t speak Spanish, and I certainly fucking hoped that was true, because I had just told her that I wanted to eat her pussy.

‘What does that mean?’ she asked with a yawn.

‘Nothing. Go to sleep.’

She pressed her groin against mine and my stiff cock twitched against her. ‘Seems like you want to fuck me,’ she giggled.

I smacked her ass lightly. ‘Go to sleep.’

‘I am your wife. And I think you should take care of me,’ she breathed.

I cupped her chin with my hand. ‘You’re playing a very dangerous game, Alana. Rest assured, that one day I am going to fuck you, princess. But, when I do, I want you to be in full control of your senses. Because I’m going to ruin you for any other man, and when I’m done with you, you’re going to beg me for more.’

I felt her whole body shiver as she pressed herself closer to me.

‘You’re an asshole,’ she snapped, and then a few seconds later, she was snoring softly.

I wrapped my arm tighter around her as I thought about the man who had pulled a gun on her earlier. I’d already had confirmation that my men had taken him to a safe place.

I should have been there now, interrogating him, but he would have to wait until morning. How could I possibly have left her when she was incapable of looking after herself?

While Alana liked to think that her father was some white knight, the truth was he was as much of a monster as I was, but at least I didn’t pretend to be otherwise. He’d made plenty of enemies over the years and I wouldn’t put it past him to have thrown his daughter to the lions to save his own skin. After all, he’d already done it once when he’d handed her over to me.

I looked down at her as she slept and wondered how on earth she had ended up here with me. I almost felt like releasing her from our contract and letting her go.


Because the more I got to know her, the more I wanted to keep Alana for myself.

Not just for a couple of years.

Not just until she gave me my heir.

But forever.

Because, I was exactly the type of monster who would do that.


My eyelids fluttered open and I was suddenly acutely aware of the intense throbbing in my head. I groaned out loud and rolled onto my back.

Alejandro was gone.

Oh, crap! I had asked him to fuck me. I had actually said those words out loud. I threw my hands over my face in shame. Not only had I propositioned him, but he had turned me down. I had been almost naked and literally offering myself on a plate and he’d said no.

Then another memory burrowed to the surface. One of my face pressed against his hard chest. Of his strong arms wrapped around me. Of a whispered promise that he would ruin me for any other man. My insides melted like warm butter at the thought.

I looked around the room. There was no trace of him. I hadn’t even felt him get out of bed. I wondered if he’d stayed the night, or had slipped away as soon as he was able to — leaving his drunken mess of a wife to sleep it off. Not that I could be blamed for getting a little drunk, surely? It wasn’t every day a crazed madman sticks a gun in your face.

I glanced at the bedside table and saw the glass of water placed on top of a sheet of notepaper. I leaned over and saw there were two Advil there too. I moved the glass and picked up the note, written on Alejandro’s personal stationery.