I looked at Lucy. ‘Go on,’ I said.

Lucy cleared her throat and then told Kristen the truth about her only being sixteen and the fact that she was also four months pregnant.

Kristen listened intently, never interrupting or showing judgement. Lucy was crying by the time she had finished and I handed her a paper tissue.

‘Well, that’s quite the pickle,’ Kristen said as she leaned back in her chair. ‘But nothing we can’t handle, eh, Alana?’ she said with a smile.

‘Of course not. Alejandro’s lawyer is going to meet us this afternoon when Lucy contacts the authorities.’

Kristen nodded. ‘Good. I wish you could stay here with us, Lucy. You fit in so well here and everybody loves you, but you’re too young sweetheart.’

‘I know,’ Lucy sniffed. ‘And I’m sorry that I lied to you all. But I was just so scared. And I can’t go back to Chicago. I can’t,’ she said, suddenly her eyes were wide with fear, making me wonder what had happened to her there.

‘That’s okay,’ I said as I squeezed her hand. ‘We’ll make sure that you get to stay nearby.’

Kristen nodded. ‘And have you decided what you want to do about the baby? You have options?’

Lucy’s hands flew to her stomach. ‘I want to keep it. They will let me, won’t they?’

‘Of course,’ Kristen and I responded together.

‘Good,’ she said with a sigh.

‘But, you’ll have to go to school and get your GED. Did you go to school in Chicago?’ I asked her.

Her face turned pink and her eyes filled with tears. ‘Yes. Until my parents died anyway.’

‘When did they die, sweetheart?’ I asked her.

‘A little over two years ago,’ she sniffed.

My heart broke for her. For two years, she’d had no-one to turn to. No-one except Blake who was considerably older than her and had obviously taken advantage of her vulnerability.

She started to sob then and I put my arm around her shoulders. She leaned into me, pressing her face against my shoulder until her tears were soaking my shirt. Kristen and I exchanged a look that conveyed we would do everything we could to help this sweet girl and make sure she got to live the life that she deserved.


I was late getting home. I’d checked in with my lawyer a few minutes ago to see how his meeting with Lucy and Alana had gone.

Evan Goldman was the best lawyer money could buy, and I trusted his instinct as much as I trusted his considerable skills in the courtroom. He had made sure that Lucy was placed with a decent family in a good neighborhood and that had made Alana happy. But, like me, Evan believed that there was something not quite right about Lucy Callaghan’s story.

I walked through the quiet house, expecting to find Alana in the den, but she wasn’t there. I checked my watch. It was only a little after nine and that was too early for her to go to bed — unless she was waiting there for me with plans other than sleep. My cock twitched in anticipation at the thought.

I walked through the to the bedroom and opened the door. She wasn’t in there, but the balcony doors were open. I crossed the room and heard her outside. She was on the phone to someone and despite her speaking quietly, her voice travelled on the breeze.

‘I know.’

‘I don’t.’

‘Yes, I promise.’

‘I love you too,’ she whispered.

Then a few seconds later she walked into the room with her cell phone in her hand. She blinked when she saw me. ‘Alejandro?’

‘Not expecting me so soon, princess?’ I growled.

‘I didn’t realize the time, I was reading on the balcony.’