‘That was very generous of you.’

‘Well, she helped you out, so …’ he didn’t finish his sentence and instead he steered me towards his car. He was driving his new Maserati today and I smiled. I wasn’t really into material things but I loved this car. He opened the door for me and I slid into the expensive leather seat and inhaled.

A few seconds later, Alejandro climbed in too, pressed a button and the car roared to life.

We’d been driving for a few minutes when he finally spoke. ‘Are you okay?’ he asked me.

‘Yes,’ I said as I touched my face.

‘Do you know the name of the guy who did that?’

‘Blake someone. He’s Lucy’s ex-boyfriend, do you remember that young girl you met at the shelter?’

Alejandro nodded.

‘That’s why I went out alone. She called me and she was scared and in trouble and Hugo was on his day off. Jacob had taken the car to the garage,’ I rambled on. ‘I need to speak to the shelter and make sure she’s safe.’

He handed me his cell.

‘Thank you,’ I whispered.

‘The number is in there already. It’s saved as princess work,’ he said and for some reason, the fact that he had my work number programmed into his phone, made me incredibly happy.

I dialed the number and when one of the staff answered, I asked to speak to Lucy. My heart almost burst out of my chest with relief when they told me she was there.

‘Alana! Are you okay? I’ve been so worried. I went back with one of the girls to look for you, but you’d gone. I’m so sorry,’ she sobbed.

‘Lucy, I’m fine. I promise. Are you okay though?’


‘Promise me that you won’t leave the shelter until I can figure out what to do about your situation. We’ll need to speak to Kristen.’

‘I know,’ she sniffed.

‘But you’ll stay there? Promise me!’

‘Yes. I promise.’

‘And if you see Blake anywhere near the place, then you call the cops, okay? We’ll deal with everything else, but you need to keep yourself safe.’

‘Okay,’ she agreed.

‘What is Blake’s full name?’ I asked, knowing that Alejandro would need that information to find him more quickly.

‘Blake Fielding.’

‘Blake Fielding?’ I repeated.


‘Okay. I have to go, but I’ll speak to you soon, okay?’

‘Okay. And thank you, Alana.’

‘You’re welcome, sweetheart,’ I said.

We said goodbye and I hung up the phone and handed it back to Alejandro.